Chapter 11

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Kenji finished the late lunch with his mom and went upstairs into his room. He had some time to kill before he would again need to go out. As he laid on his bed, he wondered again about the nameless girl, seemingly as if he couldn't keep her out of his mind.

The powers she used... Is she even human? I've never seen anything like them, but neither did I see the technology those girls chasing her had. Bah, what am I even thinking—She couldn't be an alien or something, could she? That sounds too far-fetched.

His phone rang. He checked the caller and found out it was Origami.

"Origami? Why is she calling me?" he muttered.

He picked up.

"Hello? This is Kenji."

"Origami. Do you know where Shido is?"

"H-Hold on, how did you get my number? And why are you asking me where he is?"

"You gave it to me, remember?"

He shook his head in confusion.

"I don't remember giving you my number, no. When did that happen?"

"So, you don't know where Shido is? Can you at least tell me when you last saw him?"

What a swift change of topic... Did something happen to Shido? Why is she asking about him?

"In class but then we had to split ways. Did something happen?"

"No, nothing happened. Goodbye."

She hung up as if nothing happened.

Origami? Damn, why is she acting so strange lately? Though, I do myself wonder where Shido is, and her asking just makes me more curious. But what's it to me, he has his right to privacy, and I don't want to stalk him.

Kenji tried to forget about what just happened and resumed skipping time by listening to music and studying so he wouldn't have to later after he'd gone out.

The Sun was nearing set as Shido came ever closer to sleep, tired like few times before.

"Your signature here, and here..."

How many papers do I have to sign? I'm not even going to bother reading this anyway, can't someone sign it for me? These guys must have some magical device for that as well, I'd bet.

Shido signed the last few papers.

"Thank you, that'll be all."

"Really?! I can go home now?"

"Yes, but before you do; let me rephrase that you cannot under any circumstance speak of anything related to Ratatoskr, Spacequakes and Spirits to anyone."

"Eh? And if I do?"

"These things are not public knowledge for a reason. Once you tell one person, it'll spread like the plague. I trust you understand the consequences the same way your sister does.


"Now you may go anywhere you desire, the rest you can leave up to us. Have a nice evening."

"Thanks, I guess. Bye..."

He left the classroom and walked through the school which was enhanced with colours he almost never saw. The Sun began setting as he did so, some parts of the school already darkened. It was a bit eerie, but all he could think of was sleep, and lots of it.

Once he got changed by his locker, he walked out the doors as sunshine and light breeze welcomed him.

I hope buses even drive out at this point; I won't be able to make it home on foot.

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now