Chapter 8

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As it inserted itself, she resumed focusing her sword at Kenji.

"G-Guess it was...!"

"My friend doesn't deserve to be threatened, so point that sword at me if you have to!" said Shido, losing a bit of fear.

She did so, as he noticed her expression shifted.

Why is she looking at me with that expression? So strong, and yet... Her expression is despondent.

"No! Point it at me!" said Kenji.

"Stop it, Kenji! I agreed to come here!"

"I wanted to come here in the first place!"

The girl didn't know who to point at anymore, as she leapt away, leaving the two boys by themselves.

"She's... Gone," uttered Kenji.

"Kenji, who was that? What just happened?"

"I... don't know. But if that gem belonged to her, do you think she...?"

"At least we're alive. That was insane."

"But what do we do now? Do we call someone?"

"I don't think we need to. That Spacequake and the girls following her must be connected. Besides, did you notice where they came from? The east."

"Do you think she's tied to the Spacequake? Why was she trying to escape them?"

"She thought we wanted to kill her but eased when we didn't try to harm her. I think it's better if we don't tell anyone, who knows what we got ourselves tied into?"

Shido's eyes dilated.

"D-Do you think she... caused the Spacequake?"

"I'm just as confused as you. This feels so surreal, like a dream. Everything's just as quiet as before."

Shido gulped nervously.

"Maybe it's better we forget this ever happened, h-hah... And go back home."

"Yeah, I agree. The sooner we're out of here, the better."

"Way ahead of you!" said Shido as he began walking off.

Kenji followed him, and they got on a bus home, lucky to catch it just in time.

They didn't dare speak and watched the sunset.

When Kenji reached his stop, he prepared to get off.

"See you later, Shido. Tomorrow..."

"Yeah, tomorrow. Today was too intense, man. I just want to rest and forget all the bad parts. See you."

Kenji got off the bus, as Shido was driven off. Tired, he went back home. The sun was half hidden by the horizon, as night approached.

When he went inside his house, which was a tad bigger than the Itsuka residence, two-story as well and surrounded by mostly greenery as it was on the outskirts, he saw his mom.

"Welcome home, dear!" she said, as he tried to keep a calm look after what happened.

"Thanks, mom.

"Where were you? It's getting late, you know how dangerous it is outside after the sun sets."

That's what she says, but it's not like anything bad ever happened to me after it did.

"I was with Itsuka, we walked around a bit."

"Well, I hope you two had fun! Dinner's ready."

Should I tell them what happened? No, I don't want to pull them into something bad or dangerous.

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now