Chapter 3

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The Spacequake warning system and alarms began ringing through the north-west section of Tengu city, as a voice joined them promptly.

"Warning, Spacequake occurrence in the area detected. Please evacuate to the nearest evacuation shelter immediately. I repeat, a Spacequake has been detected in the area. Please evacuate—"

"A spacequake?!" let out Shido, as all the students gazed towards the windows.

"Here? That's insane! Is this actually happening...?" asked Tonomachi.

Origami got up from her seat and walked out of the classroom, as Shido turned to look at her.


Kenji snapped out of shock quickly, as he turned to the class. He looked at the clock simultaneously.

"Everyone, gather your urgent belongings and gather at the door closer to the stairway! We need to get to the underground school bunker as soon as possible!" he said, as his shy persona was pushed to the background.

This seemed to snap other's out of their trances and shock, as they quickly grabbed their belongings and did as he said, including Shido and Tonomachi.

"All right, follow me! We're heading down to the entrance to the bunker, don't spread out!"

They began following Kenji towards the bunker, as he kept watch for any students or teachers who might be in a state of shock. With help, he got them to join his class in making the descent.

Kenji was also not a mere representative, as he himself went through a full-fledged course on how to act during Spacequake warnings and occurrences, including first aid and much more. He was given authority to lead students into the school's bunker during Spacequakes, in-case no teacher was nearby. Even then, he probably knew more about Spacequakes than any teacher did.

Their school was also not any ordinary school. Raizen High School was a prestigious school with state-of-the-art technology, including a vast underground bunker and highly advanced facilities. As they descended, they finally saw the moving platforms leading down to the bunker.

"Anyone missing?" he asked.

He quickly recounted, as everyone except Origami was present.

"The super genius is not here," said the blonde girl.

"I don't remember seeing her with the group... Any idea where she went?" asked the brown-haired girl.

"Actually, I saw her leave the classroom on her own. Maybe she's...?" uttered Shido.

"Maybe she's down there already," jumped in Tonomachi.

Kenji shook his head.

"A-Anyway! Form four lines, and slowly get onto the platform. Keep space in-between!" he said.

They did as he said, as soon after Tamae ran over, panicked.

"Oh, you're all here! I was starting to worry everyone ran off," she said.

"Miss! Everyone except Origami Tobiichi is present, who apparently ran off by herself. We don't know if she's down there already," reported Kenji.

"T-Thank you, Kenji! I'll take over, don't worry!" she responded, placing herself in the centre of the room.

"Calm down, everyone! Don't forget the three S's! Single file, steady line, skeletons!" shouted Tamae, while seemingly being the only one who hasn't calmed down.

"Miss, you need to calm down," said Tonomachi in a calm manner.

"Y-You're right."

At the back behind the lines of students, Shido was doing something on his phone. Kenji walked over, concerned. No one else paid attention to them.

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