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Trigger warning: This story contains strong language, explicit content and violence. You have been warned. (And if you say you haven't been warned, read the Prologue.)

An undetermined amount of time before present...

The wind blew, as two beings met upon a plain somewhere in Japan in Honshu. Whether it was modern Japan or not mattered little, as nothing but foliage surrounded them. The grass danced to the command of the wind, as the two beings looked at each other.

One being was clad in bright colour, mostly white and yellow, while the other one was clad in black and grey. With corresponding armour covering their bodies and faces, their faces were not discernible.

"Do you hear that, Angel? The horns of calamity are sound, as they ever were since the dawn of creation. Your precious world is diseased and rotten, tainted with my ideals," said the being clad in dark colour, speaking a mysterious tongue.

"And yet our fight is not nearly over. This world and its inhabitants are not ready to give in to your temptations just yet, Demon King," said the Angel.

"Excluding local conflicts, I have been losing my hold. But now... that changes. Your precious humankind is about to face a disaster beyond reckoning. And the best part is that it won't be caused by my hand."

"What are you saying, my nemesis?"

"I'm saying our fight is nearly over, Angel. For millennia, aeons we fought, both directly and indirectly. You are blessed for bountiful harvests and peace, while I'm cursed for disease and war. And yet, the roles are reversing. It appears you have granted them too much leisure, hahaha!"

"If you think I'm going to let that happen, you are gravely wrong. Humanity will never be under your beck and call. They'll always choose love over hatred!"

" they say, exceptions prove the rule. It only takes one, or a group of beings to disrupt this nice little tower you built. One move... and it will come crashing down. All I offer is the truth. No white lies, no half-truths. The brutal, raw truth."

The Angel put his hand up, as the skies twisted and sunshine broke through, as a spear descended and hit the ground, which he promptly picked up. He pointed it at the one opposite him.

"No more buying time. Answer me this, and only this: what is this disaster you speak of?"

"Don't worry, my dear Angel. You will not miss this one. No one will. Every man and woman will be filled with fear and despair, and only those under my wing will feel joy and happiness, amongst other things. Now... let's occupy you in the meantime, shall I?"

The ground shook, as the Demon King pulled up a blade from under it. Unlike the Angel's spear which was bright and glowing with shine, this one was emanating the darkness from the void; nothing but darkness.

As the winds cut through the grass with their ever-presence, the Angel charged at the Demon King, full set on stopping this disaster by not killing the Demon King but stopping him. If he could do that, then maybe... maybe he could avert what he warned him of.

As his spear met his rival's sword, for just a moment, the winds were overpowered by the sheer force of the two beings. The Angel clashed his spear against the sword but couldn't break through the stalemate. The Demon King pushed back, as the force pushed them both back promptly.

Two beings, as if light and shadow were born on the same day. Opposing ideals, each fighting for a different cause. However, one was filled with pride, as the other garnered his desperation to avert something horrible.

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now