Chapter 15

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He clenched his teeth and stood up defiantly.

"I came here to talk to you, that's it! I don't want anything else!"

She took a step back.

"I don't care what we talk about. Frankly, I don't care if you ignore me. But...! I want you to know one thing. I..."

"Shido, calm down!" said Kotori.

"I won't reject you!" he said as his words pierced her cold heart like a bullet.

She gasped and for the first time looked at him with genuine surprise and shock. After a bit, she turned around.

"Shido, was it? And you really are not going to reject me?" she asked.


She turned around and focused her gaze on him.

"Do you swear to never reject me?"

"I swear I'll never reject you."

"Do you swear on your life?!"

"I swear on my life!"

She turned back around. After a bit, she crossed her arms.

"Hmph!" she pouted.

"I won't let you fool me with those words, you big idiot!" she continued to his face.

"Listen, I—"

She turned her head to the side.

"But then again... You and Kenji are the first humans to attempt to communicate with me. I'll use you to gather information about this world. Yes, that's important. Very important... "

"R-Really? Thanks..." he said with appreciation.

A moment of silence filled the air.

"So, what's your name?" he asked.

"A name? I don't have one. But I suppose I'd need one to hold a conversation..." she thought to herself before suddenly facing him.

"Shido, what would you like to call me?" she asked with excitement.

"Well, that's a pickle. Come on crew, cough up some names!" ordered Kotori.

The crew picked up their electronic pens and were given a prompt on their screens.

Reine hesitated before looking at Kotori.

"This isn't enough data. We need to ask the experts around the globe."

"I suppose we do. Then let them be the pen and paper!"

Meanwhile in Tonomachi's home, he was lying in bed playing his dating sim.

"Ah, what a long arduous day of work. But don't worry babe, I'm finally home."

After a bit, the pink haired girl gave him a strange request as she bowed pleadingly.

"Heh-heh. You want me to be her godfather? Well, if it's you asking..." he giggled.

He wrote 'Tome' in the prompt and sent it. Little did he know he and many others with the app sent a name to Fraxinus to consider.

Back onboard the ship, the survey finalised as they received many names. The crew wrote some as well. The first one that appeared on the screen was 'Misako.'"

"Kawagoe! Isn't Misako one of your ex-wives?!" asked Kotori angrily.

Another name appeared on the screen as she turned towards someone else.

"How the hell do I read this, Mikimoto?!"


"Denied! Don't you have a more classic, legitimate name you can give me? Like... Tome!"

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now