Chapter 33-Mature Content

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-Hinata's POV-

My skin burnt on my wrist, where Naruto's hand was wrapped around it as he pulled me behind him up the stairs. It was so late, it was probably around three in the morning. I stumbled drunkenly, giggling softly with a hand to my lips when he glanced back with an amused look.

Not many people managed to cut themselves off before drinking too much tonight. He and I definitely hadn't.

The moment the bedroom door closed behind us, rushed hands were frantically pulling my shirt off over my head. My mood immediately matched his and I fumbled to unbutton my pants as he pulled his own shirt off. Hungry lips pressed against mine and one of his hands slid beneath my clothes to feel the warm skin of my hip. My hands pressed against his muscles and a familiar heat sank in my stomach.

I pushed against him and he backed up as we kissed until we met the bed and he sat down on the edge of it. I put a hand on his shoulder for balance as I bent down to slide my jeans off, stumbling drunkenly and making us both laugh before straddling his lap and capturing his lips once more.

The entire time we were downstairs, all I wanted to do was jump his bones. He knew it, too, because he kept giving me teasing glances as he made me wait.

My lips were moving as I spoke against his in a breathy voice I didn't know I could make, "You're so warm." Every inch of my skin that came into contact with his felt like it'd been set aflame.

He grinned into my kiss and my hands danced down his torso to unbutton his pants. Once that was done, I couldn't do anything else to remove his clothing so I pressed against him as firmly as I could, fingers dancing over his shoulders, his hair, whatever they could reach.

There was almost immediately something hard underneath me and I knew what it was. Recalling the brilliant feeling from the other day, I ground against him in an attempt to experience it once more. To my delight, it worked and a small sound of delight came from my chest.

Naruto pulled his lips from mine, tugging a fistful of my hair slightly so I'd arch my neck and then leaned forward to kiss the sensitive skin there. When our emotions linked, I could tell he was almost as drunk as me, but liked what I was doing so I had the courage to continue.

Somehow, we switched positions and he re-met my lips as he removed the rest of his clothes and I followed his lead by fumbling to remove my undergarments. Large hands ran up my thighs as he came back down on top of me and I jolted slightly when I felt him reach in between my legs with one.

He moved his mouth back down to my neck and a gasp tore through my chest when he gently brushed his fingers against me down below. Despite both of us being drunk, he could tell if I was feeling negatively or positively about what he was doing, so we didn't really need to speak. He moved his knees further up, forcing me to spread my legs more, so he could put his weight on them rather than having to hold himself up with his other hand.

Fingers gradually began to move against me until he found the spot that made me feel the best and then he pressed against it with more force as though confirming he'd found it. My back arched and I stared up at him with a red face when he pulled back to look down at me.

I didn't feel all that embarrassed to look down because during M.A.T. I was forced to live out one of his memories and it was quite a promiscuous one so I already knew what he looked like. The sight of his body so intertwined with mine brought a wave of arousal that I wasn't prepared for and when he felt it too, he chuckled and came back down to press kisses into my neck, "I think you're sexy, too."

Naruto moved his fingers expertly, finding the right motion and rhythm that pulled the most reactions out of me. With his other hand, he wrapped his fingers around my neck, just under my jaw, and forced it back so he could keep his access to my neck.

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