Chapter 9

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-Matsuri's POV-

Temari scooted closer to me in her sleep, and my body naturally moved an inch or two away. The young woman's behavior today disgusted me to no end, and if it wasn't for the fact that I'd likely freeze to death without the body warmth, I'd refuse to be this close to her.

My eyes crept open, and a frown came to my lips when they landed on Gaara's back. The boy hadn't spoken since we rescued him from his room. He'd gingerly followed me out after I spent a few minutes reassuring him that no one would touch or try to lock him up again, but that was the extent of what happened. The redhead had plastered his angry facade back on, and it hasn't come down since.

In true Gaara fashion, he was sleeping at the edge of the group and refused to come closer than almost an arm's length away. I was wordlessly elected to sleep closest to him, but it's not like I mind. Sure, I'd be colder through the night than everyone else because he refuses to partake, but that's something I could accept if it meant he wouldn't spend the night with his back turned to someone who might react incorrectly if they got scared of him.

My only real worry was that he was going to freeze to death. I was somewhat curious if he'd be able to realize if he was because the sensation would undoubtedly be painful, but he can't feel physical pain. He could be minutes from death and not even realize it.

My eyelids were heavy with sleep, but I couldn't keep them closed for long because I'd get all panicked if I wasn't watching his breathing. It'd be easier if I could lay a hand on his back or something, but that was obviously a terrible idea. I drifted in and out of sleep for hours, jolting awake every few minutes after realizing my eyes had shut.

At some point in the night, when my eyes shot back open, they locked onto his teal ones, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from making any sounds of surprise. His skin was paler than usual, and I could tell he was cold because his fingers were slightly blue. Hesitantly, I slowly moved my hands closer to him in an offer to hold his and warm them up, but he just moved his further away, so I froze.

Gaara was like a terrified animal, and his instincts told him to keep everyone away to ensure his safety. After a few moments of wracking my brain, I decided to try and work with that mindset and rolled over so my back was facing him. In the wild, animals only show one another their backs if they trust and do not intend to harm them.

I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed he'd realize what I was trying to do and take advantage of it for his own health. Several long minutes passed with no changes. Just as I was about to admit defeat and roll back over so I could return to making sure he kept breathing through the night, I felt hesitant arms wrap around my waist and carefully pull me back against him.

My eyes shot open in surprise, but I didn't move, fearing it'd scare him away. It actually worked! That meant my theory was correct; he read body language before anything else. It also meant that he trusted I wouldn't hurt him because up until a few minutes ago, he himself had been lying with his back turned.

He was freezing even though we were under the blankets. His heart was beating quickly in his chest, and I could feel it against my back as he begrudgingly rested his forehead between my shoulders and squeezed tighter. I waited a long time for him to warm up a bit and get used to it before carefully moving my arms down so I could lightly rest my hands atop his.

Pride soared through my chest when he didn't move away. A warm feeling rose in my chest, and I couldn't stop the smile on my lips. After months of chipping away at his wall, I felt like I was finally progressing. Before long, we were both much warmer, and I was asleep before I realized it.

"She's alive! Guys, Hinata's alive!"

My eyes shot open in shock at Naruto's sudden yells, but I couldn't move. My arms were crossed over my body, and strong arms were locked around me to hold them in place. A small heat warmed my face when I realized it was Gaara. Even if he only did it to keep himself alive through the night, it made me happy that I was the one he could accept.

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