Chapter 27

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-Matsuri's POV-

For the millionth time in the last five minutes, I glanced at Gaara's profile while we walked through the abandoned residential area of Otogakure. We were looking for the symbol Neji and Tenten left at the last house our group had looted so we'd know where to start.

He and I became a couple two days ago without actually saying the words. To my delight, nothing's really changed, minus the fact that I no longer had to hide that I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

I didn't see how anyone could blame me. Since we had a good conversation and cleared things up, he rarely dawned his default glare. The tranquil expression he suddenly began offering was hard to ignore.

His siblings haven't said anything to me about it, likely because Gaara threatened Kankuro to leave me alone, and the elder Subaku brother almost definitely passed the warning along to his sister. Ino and Tenten didn't hesitate to question me about it, though, and I chickened out of telling them about our new relationship.

To someone else, it might look like I didn't want others to know, but that wasn't the case. I didn't want everyone to suddenly change how they acted around Gaara. He might not like it. Instead, I'd help him gradually relax around the others so they could also befriend him. Then, once our whole group was closer and more comfortable, we'd come clean.

I already had a conversation with Gaara about it so he wouldn't get the wrong idea and think I'm embarrassed by him. He agreed solely because he wanted everyone to leave him alone, which brought us back to my goal of helping him make more friends.

The person it was going to be most challenging to keep it from was Kankuro, not only because we shared a bedroom with him but because he'd seen us cuddling three mornings in a row now. Then again, he just complained and pouted that I didn't give him any affection either, so maybe he was more dim-witted than I thought.

Sakura finally healed my wounds enough that the stitches could come out, but dark bruises still dusted my skin where the bullets and taser had injured me. I was most glad that I could wear clothes comfortably again.

My eyes landed on a rundown-looking house with the letters "NT" carved into the side paneling, and I glanced over to confirm Gaara saw it as well. We wordlessly got up to the porch, and I stood watch with a handgun while he unlocked the door.

Ever since the day I fought the boy we captured, we hadn't had any run-ins with...well, anyone. It was like everyone else on Earth had disappeared, and we were the only humans left. Even if all the missing citizens were being inhabited like that kid, they didn't just disappear into thin air.

I heard the door creak open behind me and gave the area one last look over before following Gaara inside. After verifying where the exits were, we split up. I took the second floor, and he took ground level. Both of us had a large backpack to make carrying our findings easier.

Our primary goal was to look for clothing. Our group split into pairs and took turns leaving the house. Each team was focused on bringing back specific items. Ino and Sai look for medicine and weapons, while Neji and Tenten look for food. Kiba and Kankuro typically switch out with others if someone doesn't feel like going out or has something else to do.

Shikamaru and Temari do the primary lookover of houses to verify there wasn't any danger inside, arguably the most dangerous job because they walk into unknown territory repeatedly.

I lightly brushed my palms against one another once I was at the top of the stairs to knock away any dust that might've gotten onto them from the banister. Looking around, I let out a defeated sigh. The place wasn't dirty, per se, but it was highly cluttered. Storage totes, cardboard boxes, and plastic bags full of who knows what filled the hallways, and when I peeked my head into one of the bedrooms, it was in the same state. Downstairs also looked like this, so Gaara and I would likely have to work this house tomorrow, too.

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