Chapter 31

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-Sakura's POV-

Ino brushed a comb through my hair before going back to evening out the ends at my shoulders. The girl had walked into the kitchen earlier this morning and saw Temari cutting Kankuro's hair and decided everyone needed one so the two blond's got to work.

She wasn't wrong. No one's really had a haircut in a long time so it was way overdue, especially for the boys. Most of them were either always wearing beanies or had their hair pushed messily out of their faces.

I wanted to help, but have never cut anyone's hair except for my own the first night we arrived in Oto and Ino roasted me for my lack of skill. I've just been throwing it up in a messy bun anyway, so I hadn't paid much attention to it.

"You're all done! Send someone else in!" I brushed some snippets of hair off my shoulders before getting up and walking out to the family room as I pulled my sweater back on over my head.

Only a few people had been done so far, so I just wordlessly motioned to the remaining group that someone else could go in. Naruto jumped up, having been the one who's complained the most about having long hair.

Since everyone was healthy enough to travel, it was decided that we'd leave for Konoha in two days' time. I headed into the study to help Konohamaru and Hinata prepare everyone's bags for our approaching departure.

The two had already gotten their hair cut and it was refreshing to see Hinata's bangs back to how she usually liked to keep them. It suited her cute face so much better. They were speaking casually about the high school they went to, pausing only to greet me before resuming.

I went to the section of the room with medical supplies and continued where I left off with making first aid kits with a little bit of everything in each. Before we'd started dividing everything out, it looked like we had way too much to bring along, but when you split everything into fifteen equal shares it wasn't actually that much.

Kankuro, Gaara, Kiba, and Matsuri planned to head out first thing tomorrow morning to head into the business district of Oto in search of vehicles. They'll be gone for at least twenty four hours because they have to travel by foot on the way there and Oto's almost as big as Konoha.

Kankuro and Gaara were going to go alone, but asked Matsuri to come along when they realized we'd need at least three vehicles now that we had two more additions to our party. Everyone was still worried it was too risky, so Kiba offered to tag along so they could use his heightened senses to detect any danger. They'll be taking two of the handguns with them, leaving two with the rest of us.

I couldn't help but worry, especially about Matsuri because she's so small and wasn't the most skilled fighter. She's really agile, but if she gets caught, it's easy for her to get injured. Just yesterday, Kankuro accidentally crushed her and he hadn't even been trying to.

"They'll be alright, Sakura."

My eyes widened as Hinata's timid voice reassured me from nearby. I looked over at her with a sheepish grin, "Am I that easy to read?"

She and Konohamaru both smiled, "It's easy to guess. I'm a bit worried, too, but Gaara and Kiba won't let anything bad happen."

"Kankuro will likely be the biggest issue they have to deal with, huh?"

A small laugh left my mouth and I nodded, remembering how often Matsuri and Kankuro butt heads, "You're probably right."

We went back to work, casually talking about whatever topic arose until, finally, the travel packs were complete. Just as I zipped up the last large backpack, Ino rushed into the room, "Sakura, Hinata, get your shoes and coat on and come with me!" Her voice was barely above a whisper and she had an excited expression on her face.

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