Language of Love Part 3 (Lisanna x Lucy)

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According to Pup, this the last part.


I hope you enjoy!


Lisanna walked across the spacious floor of the cabin, looking out the windows at the night life of the massive forested mountains beyond.
She could feel Lucy getting closer, and her heart burned brightly within her. A gentle, happy smile was on her face.

They'd been together for a little over 3 years now, and they were still as passionate and in-love as they had always been.
Or rather, how they felt about each other in months and years past simply couldn't compare to how much they loved each other now. And Lisanna knew that the love they felt NOW would more than likely seem so much smaller compared to their feelings as little as one year from now.
Their Spark had never dimmed, it had only ever grown greater and stronger into a glorious, neverending flame.

After the completion of The 100 Year Quest, everyone had partied hard, and all of Ishgar seemed to celebrate as well, as the legendary Century Quest had finally been done.
It was something utterly historic, and the young Take-Over Mage had rejoiced and celebrated just as hard as everyone else, as they all had legitimately saved their own world and many others from complete destruction.
It was their greatest victory over the darkness which they would forever fight against, and it would take its place in the multitude of the annals of history and legends of the Fairy Tail Guild, never to be forgotten.

Currently, she and Lucy had secretly rented a large cabin in the mountains outside of Magnolia. It was spacious and had a great view, and they had it all to themselves.
Laxus wasn't offended by them not using his old place. In fact, he suggested they rent the luxurious mountain cabin if they wanted some extended time alone, as he'd found it in a local magazine.
He even gave them the funds to do it.

. . . The girls were trying to figure out a way to pay him back for this, now.

Lisanna smiled at the memories, as she tracked the one she loved most.

She zeroed in, and stood at the large mostly-glass doors.
She did not need to look out them to know that Lucy was lying on one of the deck chairs, just looking up at the moon and stars, hands under her head with a beautiful smile on her perfect face.
Her beautiful hair was not made up in any, being instead untied and free.
She was wearing a light blue tank top that seemed a size or two too large, seeing as how one arm-side fell slightly, allowing her right shoulder to be bare to the night air.
A pair of clean white socks and a pink pair of underwear shorts completed the look.
Lisanna wore a similar outfit. A gray T-shirt and her(by now iconic) blue-jean shorts. Her hair was still in that(by now iconic) short hair cut.

Lucy had physically remained overall the same, albeit an inch or so taller.
Lisanna, meanwhile, had 'filled out' a bit. Having just gotten out of her teens, she had also grown a wee bit over an inch(or two), and her body seemed to have developed slightly more.
Her chest had gotten a minor bra size larger, and she had more noticeable curves.

All in all, her figure resembled her older peers a bit more now, but she still was clearly her own person. You could tell her apart from them even if you couldn't see all their faces.

The blonde knew that the love of her life was only a moments away from holding her in her arms once again. That was something that neither of them ever grew tired of, and never would.
So, she waited for that to happen at its own pace, and licked her lips in anticipation.

Lisanna did the same and quickly exited the building, emerging onto the huge balcony.
Lucy turned her head, and their eyes met. She smiled.
Lisanna made her way across the space between herself and her soulmate, her own small smile ever present.
Their souls and spirit's seemed to sing in the presence of each other, and above the pair, the stars shined brightly.
She sat down on the edge of the chair and bent over Lucy, gently cupping her face, as the blondes arms went up and took Lisanna into a soft sort of half-embrace.
Their faces were now only some inches away from each other.

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