Let Me Tell You a Story (Gray x Lucy x Juvia ft. Romeo)

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This was requested on Tumblr by marcus-vice.

I ship Lucy with pretty much everybody, so, unsurprisingly, I have no problem at all with shipping her in poly relationships. I mean, Sting x Lucy x Rogue is almost an OTP of mine. I ship her with both Gray and Juvia, so why not ship her with both of them as a poly relationship too? Sounds great to me.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy pushed open the guildhall doors and walked in to see that her guildmates were surprisingly calm, no fighting. She smiled, glad to have some peace from Fairy Tail's usual brawls. She walked toward the bar and ordered a strawberry milkshake as she sat on one of the stools. She was waiting for her boyfriend and girlfriend, Gray and Juvia, to wake up and make their way to the guild so that the trio could choose a job to go on.

She began sipping on her cold drink when it was sat in front of her. She, Gray, and Juvia had been together for almost a year, with just a week to go until their one-year anniversary. She was planning to ask them what they wanted to do for the event.

Lucy had never expected to enter into a polyamorous relationship and she was surprised to find that she was in love with both Gray and Juvia. She had resolved to ignore these feelings because it was obvious that the two mages had feelings for each other. Imagine her surprise when she learned that not only did the ice and water mages love each other, but they also loved her. She had then decided that she would take the initiative, invite the couple to visit a hot spring, and confess to them. Nearly a year later, she was glad that she did it. The three had kept their relationship a secret from the guild due to anxiousness that their guildmates wouldn't accept it, though, they eventually were able to announce their relationship and were whole-heartedly accepted.

Lucy smiled at her milkshake at the fond memories. She may have never expected to have a boyfriend and girlfriend at the same time, but she honestly couldn't imagine not having Gray and Juvia in her life as her partners. She was truly in love and happy.

The celestial wizard turned around on her stool and looked around at her guildmates. She really was lucky to have such an accepting and kind family. Her brown gaze quickly fell upon Romeo. The teenage boy was sitting at an empty table alone. Lucy lowered her drink from her lips and creased her brow in concern. She stood up and walked over to him. As she got closer, she noticed that he had his arms folded on top of the table, his face buried in his arms.

Lucy sat her milkshake on the table and gently rested her hand on his shoulder. Romeo slowly looked up at her, a troubled look on his face. The blonde mage sat next to him and asked, "what's wrong?"

The fire mage shrugged his shoulders and stared at the surface of the table. Several moments of silence passed by until he finally gave a verbal answer in the form of a question, "you're dating Gray and Juvia at the same time, right?" He turned his dark eyes to look up at her. The older mage could see a troubled and confused look in his eyes.

Lucy nodded. She stayed silent, wanting Romeo to tell her what was bothering him if he wanted to. The teenage mage looked back down at the table and said in an almost whisper, "I think I love both Wendy and Chelia. I asked Dad what it was like to be in love and the feelings he described are what I feel towards Wendy and Chelia. I don't know what to do."

Lucy nodded in understanding. She knew exactly what he was experiencing. Confusion, uncertainty, not knowing just what to do. She was familiar with it all. She wasn't sure if she could give him good advice, but she was going to try. The blonde placed an arm around Romeo and said in a soft tone, "let me tell you a story. It's the story of how Gray, Juvia, and I got together." She began the story, throwing herself into a flashback...

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