Remember Me? (Sting x Lucy)

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This idea for a oneshot just popped into my head along with a few others, so I decided to write it.

I've always that the idea of Sting or Rogue having met Lucy at some point before the whole Tenru Island thing and developed a crush on her that persists after the seven years time skip is adorable. I really like it and I've read quite a few really good stories centered around that idea. I mean, heck, I'm writing that in my "The Celestial Princess and Her Suitors" story. So, here is a oneshot based upon that cute little story idea.

I hope you enjoy!


Sting remembered that day clearly.

It was seven years ago. He was twelve, maybe thirteen. He had been homeless for a few years after he killed Weisslogia. He didn't know what to do. There was no place he could go considering he was an orphan and had been raised by a dragon. He didn't even know much about the civilizations of Earthland besides the few things that his foster father had told him. He traveled the kingdom of Fiore, finding shelter in alleyways and abandoned buildings, and pickpocketing people whenever he needed money. It wasn't something that he was ever proud of, but he was distrustful of other people, as all anybody ever seemed to do was yell at him and call him a "degenerate child,"and had no other options that he could see.

Eventually, he heard about what was called "guilds." Something you could join if you used magic. In a guild, you'd find friends and jobs that paid well. You'd find a purpose. The young Sting wanted to join a guild, but which one? He had managed to find magazines and books that told about each guild in Fiore, quickly coming across one that was very recent: Sabertooth.

It had a really cool name, plus he would be one of the first mages to join, which excited him. He was able to get the location of this new guild and set off for Foxglove Town, the large city just east of Crocus where Sabertooth was located in.

He had been traveling for several days when he arrived in Magnolia Town, the home of Fairy Tail, the most powerful guild in all of Fiore. He knew that it would be expected of him to join the strongest guild, considering how strong he was, but he thought that making a name for himself in a new guild that likely didn't have many strong mages, if any, was a much more attractive option. He could build Sabertooth up to a strong guild that could rival even Fairy Tail. That was his goal.

It was getting late, so he had decided to find a cheap hotel he could stay at for the night. He had managed to swipe a few hundred jewel from some woman a couple of towns ago, so he was sure that he could find someplace that was dirt cheap.

After he had been walking around searching for a few hours, he found that Magnolia was a surprisingly expensive city. Not just that, but nobody wanted to give a room to a boy that wasn't even a teenager yet. The moon was rising in the sky when Sting gave a sigh and decided that he could just sleep in an alleyway, he's done it before so he wasn't bothered.

He was walking along a line of buildings, looking for an alleyway he could hide in, when a gruff voice behind him spoke in a taunting tone, "Hey, kid, what are you doing out here?"

The little dragon slayer stopped in his tracks and whipped around to find three large men stalking toward him. He narrowed his eyes and tried to appear unafraid, despite the very obvious feeling of fear rising in his gut. He was a dragon slayer, and a strong one at that, but he was still a kid, he would admit that, not out loud though. The point is, he had enough sense to know that this situation wasn't exactly in his favor considering he was outnumbered and didn't know anything about his opponents' magic. He could feel their magic energies flowing off of them in waves, so he knew that they were strong. He knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to fight, no matter how much he might have wanted to just to see the looks of regret on these bastards' faces.

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