The Bunny Babysitters (Levy x Lucy ft. Romeo)

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This was requested on Tumblr by paultiteuf360.

For this oneshot, I decided to make Lucy and Levy already in a relationship. I also decided to make them act more like mothers to Romeo than babysitters because I thought that it would fit better. This takes place before the time skip when Romeo was still an adorable kid and would probably enjoy having two mother figures.

I hope you enjoy!


"Shrimp! Bunny Girl!"

The celestial wizard and letter mage of Fairy Tail looked up from their conversation to see Gajeel walking past his partying guildmates and toward the two of them, a smirk on his pierced face that told them that he was planning something. After noticing that he was holding something behind his back and that he was dressed in a white suit, fedora, and a pair of sunglasses, the two female mages gave each other an identical look that told each other that they knew exactly what was coming.

The Iron Dragon Slayer came to a stop at their table. His smirk widened into a toothy grin that did nothing to soothe the young women's suspicions. He said in a mischievous tone, "Hey there, my lovely bunny dancers."

Lucy and Levy groaned, having known that was what he wanted. Gajeel placed two sexy bunny outfits on the table. He then turned to walk to the stage and set up for his performance as Lucy and Levy grab their outfits and make their way to the changing room behind the curtain that sat at the back of the wooden stage.

As they passed by the end of the bar, Lucy caught sight of Romeo sitting at a table alone. She grabbed Levy's arm, stopping her girlfriend and pointing at the boy. The two young women walked over to the boy, Levy asking, "are you alright, Romeo?"

The dark-haired boy turned around, a glass of apple juice held tightly in his hands. He looked up at the pair of mages with a dampened mood. "My dad promised to show me some spells, but now he's too busy with a job to do it."

Lucy and Levy gave the boy a sad look, knowing that he must be missing his father and sad that Macao hadn't kept his promise. Romeo had turned back around and resumed drinking his juice when Lucy said with a smile, "how about when Levy and I get done with our performance, we spend some time with you?" Romeo turned right back around, dark eyes wide and a smile spreading across his face. He nodded his head happily, excited for someone to willingly pay attention to him.

Lucy and Levy smiled at him. They told him that they would be right back before continuing on their way to the changing room before Gajeel got impatient and threw them over his shoulders to drag them backstage.

Once inside the changing room, the pair of mages began changing into their outfits. Red pantyhose and black, strapless leotards with fluffy, white fake bunny tails on the butt. Accompanied with black headbands with identically colored bunny ears on top, as well as white, shoulder-length gloves and white collars with a black ribbon around each collar. The outfits were finished off with black, four-inch heels.

The pair looked at themselves in the large, full-body mirror. Lucy was more pleased with how she looked than Levy was. Noticing her girlfriend's frown, the blonde asked, "what's wrong?"

Levy shrugged. "I just don't like dressing like this. I don't have much of a figure, not like you."

Lucy wasted no time in cupping her girlfriend's face before leaning down to give her a love-filled kiss, one that Levy didn't hesitate to return. Once they pulled away, Lucy rested her forehead against Levy's, whispering, "you look gorgeous, Sweetheart. You don't need a big chest and curves to be beautiful. You're beautiful just how you are."

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