Secrecy and Jealousy (Jellal x Lucy ft. Erza)

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This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.

At first, I wasn't a big fan of Jellal or JeLu. I also found Jellal to be difficult to write. However, I have recently grown to like him more and so, I have a better grasp on how to write him and I am a shipper of JeLu. I'm not sure if I am able to write him very well, but I'm sure that I'll get better with time.

As for JeLu itself. I can't really explain why I really like it now. I've been reading some fics about it and it's grown on me. It's no secret that I love the Bad Guy x Good Girl ship dynamic. Though, Jellal isn't really a bad guy. Even though, it's a great source of angst, and you all know how I love angst. JeLu is a better ship than I originally thought, and it is rising pretty quickly on my list of favorite Lucy ships. Not top ten, but definitely top fifteen. Anyways, one really good prompt for a JeLu fic is Erza founding out about them and getting jealous. It's interesting and can be pretty angsty.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy sipped on her strawberry milkshake, listening to her teammates discuss if they should take a job that week or the next. She didn't want to take a job that week because her boyfriend was visiting her all week. A whole week was the most amount of time that they had spent together at one time. No way did she want to miss out on a full week with her boyfriend of one year.

She sat her cold drink back on the table and said, "let's take a job next week."

Natsu, Gray, and Erza stopped their conversation and turned to her. Erza asked, "do you have anything to do this week?"

Gray, suddenly shirtless for the third time that morning, spoke, "If none of us have anything to do, then let's take a job this week. Are you busy?"

Natsu grinned as he followed up with a question of his own, "yeah, Luce. What do you have to do?"

Happy popped up, saying, "we know that you don't have a boyfriend, so that couldn't be it."

Lucy set a searing glare to the blue exceed as she warned, "watch what you say, cat!"

The celestial wizard then glanced at the guild's doors, knowing that her boyfriend would be at her apartment soon and wanting to get there to greet him. She looked back at her team and answered as calmly as she could, "I just have to work on my novel. I haven't been able to do much writing recently, and Levy is just dying to read it, so I want to finish it as soon as possible. If I work on it all week, with no interruption," she emphasized the last part as she directed it toward her team, Natsu in particular, before she finished, "I should be able to finish it."

Gray nodded, responding, "that's fine with me. I guess I could find something to do, maybe visit Lyon."

Natsu whined, "but, Luce if I can't visit you then, what will Happy and I do?"

Happy hopped onto Natsu's head, giving his usual "aye!"

Lucy waved her hand dismissively, answering, "do whatever you want. Just don't come by my apartment unless the guild is being attacked or someone is dying."

She then stole a glance at Erza, realizing that the red-haired mage hadn't said anything. The older woman was staring at Lucy, one eyebrow raised and looking like she was carefully studying her blonde friend. Lucy looked back at the still whining Natsu, hoping that Erza would let go of whatever suspicions she had and move on.

The celestial wizard finished off her milkshake and stood up, saying, "I have work to do, so I'll see you three later." She then turned and walked out of the guild. Once the doors closed behind her, she took off running back to her apartment. She didn't lessen her speed even as she began to become tired. She came to a quick stop in front of her apartment and leaned on the door to catch her breath. Once she was able to breathe properly again, the blonde woman twisted the doorknob to see if it was unlocked or not. Her boyfriend had a spare key. If the door was unlocked, then that meant he had already arrived. If the door wasn't unlocked, then that meant she had beaten him there.

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