Frosch's Plan (Rogue x Lucy)

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This was requested by @Kyoko_waffy_233.


"Just get up, Sting! It's not that hard!"

"No! Leave me alone, Rogue! I'm hibernating!"

"What? It's not that cold outside! And you're not even an animal!"

"I can be what I want to be!"

"Just get out of bed!"


"Ugh...fine." After muttering his response to his irritating partner, Rogue took Sting's ankle into his hands and pulled harshly, causing the blonde dragon slayer to crash onto the wooden floor.

Sting groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head and fixing the black-haired man with a glare. Rogue crossed his arms over his chest. He stated monotonously, "we need to get down to the guild. You have paperwork to do and I need to find a job request."

Sting once again groaned, this time in annoyance, as he rolled his eyes, standing up and ambling tiredly to the bathroom. "I don't want to go outside. It's too cold."

Rogue scoffed at that, not bothering to give a verbal answer. I don't know why I put up with him. He can be so childish and annoying. Rogue walked downstairs, looking for his jacket, as he waited for Sting to shower and get dressed. He eventually found his dark blue jacket on the couch. Just as he zipped it up, Sting descended the stairs, still grumpy from the way he had been woken up. Rogue watched as his best friend practically stormed out of the front door and into the snowy world outside. The Shadow Dragon Slayer rolled his eyes and followed.

It didn't take long for the pair to reach the Sabertooth guildhall, and thank whatever deity there was because Rogue was about to hit Sting if he didn't stop his complaining about the cold. All Rogue wanted to do at that point was to find a job request with Frosch and then head out so he could get paid already.

The two dragon slayers walked through the guildhall doors, finding their guild in its typical state, calm. Everybody was sitting, drinking, and talking. There were, of course, several missing faces. It appeared that many of the mages that Sting and Rogue usually hung out with were out completing jobs. Minerva, Orga, and Rufus had yet to return from a job that they took together. Rogue recalled that Rufus had called yesterday to inform Sting that the trio would be returning about a week later than expected. As it turned out, the dark mages they had to capture were more numerous than the job request had stated.

Sting made his way to his office while Rogue walked over to where Yukino and Lector were talking. Rogue reached them and turned around, scanning the guildhall. He didn't see his small friend in a pink frog costume. Where's Frosch? He and Lector had stayed the night with Yukino last night. Rogue turned to Yukino when he heard her speak. "Rogue, do you think Sting would mind if I invited Lucy to come here for a visit?" She had placed emphasis on the blonde fairy's name as a smug smirk made its way onto her round face, knowing what Rogue's reaction would be.

Predictably, Rogue blushed a crimson color at the mention of Fairy Tail's celestial wizard. He once again, for what was perhaps the millionth time, regretted admitting his feelings for the young blonde woman. He ducked his head, trying to hide his blushing face from Sabertooth's celestial wizard.

Ever since the two guilds had become friends, Rogue has had romantic feelings for Lucy. He kept his feelings a secret from everybody he called his friends, with the exception of Frosch, of course, until Minerva and Orga noticed him staring at her when the two guilds had a party at Fairy Tail's guildhall. They told Rufus, Yukino, and Sting the very next day at the Sabertooth guildhall. As soon as Rogue had stepped into the guild that morning, he was cornered by the group of five and forced to come clean about how he felt about Lucy. Now, a whole year of relentless teasing and five different people trying to convince him to confess to her, Rogue can't interact with her, see her, hear her voice, or even hear the mention of her name without blushing.

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