Running Up That Hill (Freed x Lucy ft. Bixlow, Natsu, Gray, and Mira)

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This was requested on AO3 by Pup.

The requester wanted this oneshot to be based on some scene in Stranger Things. I don't watch Stranger Things and have no desire to, so I don't really know how well I will be able to base this on the scene. I am using two videos that the requester sent me for reference. This also has mentions of Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush.


I hope you enjoy!


Freed paced around the infirmary, occasionally glancing at his girlfriend, who was lying in one of the beds, appearing almost lifeless. He crossed his arms over his chest as he continued to pace. He was aware of Bixlow, Mira, Natsu, and Gray working on a way to save her. They didn't know what was going on, at least, not entirely. All they knew was that a dimension-crossing demon that resided in the mental plane was trying to kill Lucy. They hadn't been able to figure out its intention, but they did know that it had to be killed before it could accomplish its plans.

The plan of action that they had managed to come up with was that Bixlow would use his Seith Magic to open a portal to Lucy's mind, this would allow Natsu, Gray, and Freed to enter, thus saving Lucy and defeating the demon. Mira would then devour the demon for her Take-Over Magic.

Freed didn't quite understand how Bixlow was going to do this because he hadn't listened to the explanation. All he cared about at the moment was that they save Lucy. He looked back over at Lucy as his own footsteps became the only thing that he could hear. The talking of his guildmates was nothing more than inaudible mutterings upon his ears. His sea-green eyes moved back down to the wooden floor as he continued his pacing. He dug his fingernails into his clothed arms as the demon that feed his Dark Ecriture Magic roared for Lucy's safety and the death of whatever was harming her. It was a struggle to keep his own demon contained.

His mind wandered to the possibility of Lucy dying, of them not being able to save her. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and he stopped in his tracks, his back facing his four guildmates. He blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to blink away his tears. Unfolding his arms, he looked down at his hands, seeing that they were trembling. Clenching his teeth and balling his fists, he turned around to look at Lucy again. Seeing her laying in the infirmary bed, possibly fighting for her life with no escape while her guildmates worked to save her, Freed made his way over to the door and walked out of the infirmary, closing the door behind him.

He leaned against the wall opposite the closed door and slide down to sit on the floor. Memories of his and Lucy's relationship flashed through his mind. Going on dinner dates, having picnics in a park underneath the stars, going to the library together, protecting each other on jobs, and sweet and passionate kisses shared in private moments. All of these memories, these moments, he cherished. He loved Lucy. He had never been faced with her possible death before, and now that he was, he felt useless. His Dark Ecriture Demon was roaring with protective rage and fought against Freed's restraints.

Tears streamed down Freed's cheeks as he brought his knees up to his chest and buried his face into them, his hands fisted into the sides of his green hair. He hissed curses at himself. His girlfriend was facing death and he wasn't doing anything! He was being useless and yet he wasn't able to bring himself to do anything of use! What could he even do at this point? Bixlow hadn't even been able to open the portal yet. The fact that the seith mage had never done this before wasn't comforting, no matter how much he brushed it off.

His body trembled and a few sniffles slipped through. "Lucy..." He tearfully whispered her name, wanting her back in his arms. He wanted this all to be a nightmare. He wanted to wake up in a cold sweat and look at the spot next to him in the bed that he and his girlfriend shared, see Lucy sleeping peacefully, and then pull her closer as he drifted back to sleep, comforted by the fact that the woman he loved was safe and with him. He wanted to see Lucy's beautiful smile and hear her comforting voice. He was useless, helpless, unable to save his girlfriend from the demon that had invaded her mind and was trying to kill her.

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