Final Author's Note

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So, I'm going to try to make clear why I'm ending this collection and what I plan to do with it.

I have graduated high school and am getting ready to go to college and get a job. This means that my free time will be more scarce than it is now. I have also recently been feeling drained and have been lacking the motivation to write. I'm hoping that if I focus on one or two stand-alone fics, which are less taxing than these oneshots, then I'll eventually be feeling less drained and be able to regain my motivation.

It is s possibility that I'll return to these oneshots and continue them. This isn't a complete end as it is more of an end until further notice. If I'm able to settle into a schedule that allows me free time to write a bunch of oneshots, then I will probably return to this collection.

If you have any questions, then feel free to ask them. I hope that you understand what I've explained here and I greatly appreciate the love that my oneshots have received. Thank you all for reading my oneshots and for expressing your enjoyment of my writing. I hope that you'll give my stand-alone fics a try, one of which I am still updating.

Have a great morning/evening/night!

Lucy Ships OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now