Stop Trying to Kill Him! (Mira x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by butterflyzilla.

Time for Mira to almost commit murder.

I hope you enjoy!


Mira wasn't a protective girlfriend. That might surprise some people, but it was true. She just wasn't the type of girlfriend to glare at anybody who talked to her girlfriend, or wrap her arm around her girlfriend to pull her to her own body whenever they were in public so that the people around them would know that the blonde with her was taken.

No, Mira just wasn't the type to be protective. She knew that Lucy was perfectly capable of defending herself against unwanted flirting, even though Mira didn't mind addressing her with terms of endearment if the person who was flirting with the blonde wasn't seeming to understand that she simply wasn't single or interested.

Mira also didn't mind helping Lucy in a fight, when the blonde needed the help. However, she preferred to let her girlfriend take care of her opponent on her own until it became obvious that she needed help.

Mira simply didn't want her girlfriend to feel as though she was being coddled or sheltered. The white-haired woman knew that Lucy had spent the majority of her life sheltered inside of a mansion, not allowed to do anything that she wanted. It was expected that Lucy would want to enjoy the freedom that her running away had provided her. Mira didn't want to intrude on that freedom, so she's been remaining mindful of her actions. The last thing she wanted was for Lucy to feel like her own girlfriend was starting to stifle her.

The white-haired woman, nonetheless, didn't take too kindly to those who insulted her girlfriend. It didn't take long after they began dating for her to learn about Lucy's insecurities. Since acquiring this information, Mira became prone to anger when she heard people pick at her girlfriend's insecurities.

The main insecurity? Lucy's type of magic.

It wasn't very uncommon to hear people outside of Magnolia criticize Lucy for the type of magic that she uses. It's been pointed out too many times that Lucy is a hypocrite, claiming that she doesn't use her spirits as shields or objects, only to do exactly that when in a fight. She has also been criticized for not making efforts to find other keys, these critics stating that if she truly cared about celestial spirits as much as she claimed to, then she would make it her mission to find other keys in order to save the spirits from any cruel celestial wizard who would find and abuse them.

Mira would only scoff and watch with a glare as her girlfriend defended herself. It took much effort to stop herself from punching the offending critic. However, she never wanted to cause a scene or make Lucy feel as though she wasn't able to handle it on her own, instead, the white-haired woman would simply watch with a glare before she and her girlfriend returned to one of their apartments, where she would comfort the upset blonde with a tender touch and soft words.

It was only a matter of time before she finally snapped and unleashed her anger upon whatever poor soul was stupid enough to insult her girlfriend.

The day was warm and sunny. Mira and Lucy walked hand-in-hand through the large town. There were many people out of their homes, enjoying the nice summer day. Families, couples, and singles were getting ice cream, shopping, or simply going for a walk. The two Fairy Tail wizards were among the people who were simply going for a walk.

Lucy suggested after a long stretch of silence, "what do you think about getting some ice cream?"

Mira smiled at her, answering, "it is a hot day. Ice cream sounds refreshing."

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