Remember Me? Part 2 (Sting x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Kurasame.

I tried to make this fluffy instead of angsty. I also decided to make it from Sting's POV just like the first part.

I hope you enjoy!


Sting looked over his guildmates. All were talking, joking, and being kind to each other. It was an amazing sight. A sigh that he never thought he would ever see. The Grand Magic Games hadn't gone the way that he thought it would. A lot of shit happened. However, he was glad that it went in the direction that it did.

Sabertooth was free from Jiemma and Minerva, he was Guild Master, the guild that he loved was strong and happy, and they were friends with Fairy Tail. The mages of Sabertooth were free from the roles they were forced into. To top it all off, he was going on a date with the woman he had loved since he was a child: Lucy Heartfilia. Sure, he had to endure punishment from Jiemma and Minerva for his "crime" of saving Lucy before he confessed his feelings for her, but it was worth getting to where they were now. He and Lucy had agreed to go on their date in the town Sabertooth was in because there was a park that they could go for a walk through. A nice, peaceful date.

Sting sat at a table, staring at the guildhall doors anxiously. He was waiting for Lucy to arrive for their date and he was just so excited. The dragon slayer bounced his leg repeatedly and drummed his fingers on the table. It wasn't late in the day, only the afternoon, but he was eager to spend as much time as he could with the blonde woman.

Some would say that he was acting like a lovesick puppy, but so what if he was? Could you blame him? This was the same woman that had saved him when he was a child and showed him more kindness than any other human had. He had been in love with her ever since and had dreamed of seeing her again. She was the reason he wanted Sabertooth to become what it was becoming now and to become as strong as he was now. He had waited years for this day. Like hell he was going to waste it!

Sting heard the humorous whispers and muffled laughs of Rogue, Rufus, Orga, Yukino, Lector, and Frosch as they observed him, finding his obvious excitement and smittenness funny and worthy of teasing. He internally sighed. He wasn't looking forward to being teased after his date.

His attention was quickly drawn back to Sabertooth's doors when he heard them get pushed open. His dark blue eyes lit up at the sight of the beautiful blonde mage he had been waiting all day for. With a wide smile, he jump up and rushed to her, sweeping her into a hug before the guildhall doors even fully shut.

Lucy's melodic laughter reached his ears and her intoxicating scent of strawberries and vanilla was all he could smell. The celestial wizard returned his embrace and the pair simply stood there, not caring about the fact that the entire guild of Sabertooth was staring and whispering to each other. Sting felt her pull away and reluctantly allowed her. He didn't want to let her go just yet, so he kept his arms wrapped around her, pulling away just enough to be able to see her pretty face.

Lucy smiled up at him and asked, "Ready to go?"

Sting smiled back down at her and nodded. With a wave to his guild, he offered his arm to the other blonde. Once she hooked her arm with his, the two walked through the guild's doors and into the warm outside for their date.

Sting couldn't stop staring at Lucy as she practically buried her nose in one of the roses that grew along the path they were walking down. In his eyes, she was more beautiful than any of the roses that lined the path. Lucy straightened and turned to her date with a bright smile that made him blush. The blonde woman walked back to him, exclaiming as she linked her arm back with his, "I've always loved roses! They are so pretty and smell great!"

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