Bride Succubus Lucy Part 2 (Juvia x Lucy)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Bellaboo097023.

I was honestly hoping that someone would request a part 2 for "Bride Succubus Lucy." Although, I was wanting to pair Lucy up with Loke for part 2, Luvia is awesome too, though, and I'm not disappointed. Seriously, Luvia is growing on me.

I'm a bit surprised that nobody has requested any MidLu or LoLu. From what I've seen, those two Lucy ships are fairly popular. I have some oneshot ideas for a MidLu, LoLu, LyLu, and another RuLu and FreLu but I am waiting for those ships to be requested, so if anyone wants to request any of those, then go on ahead.

I hope you enjoy!


Juvia looked over at the guildhall door. She felt a familiar feeling of worry fill her body as she once again noticed a lack of Lucy for the seventh day in a row. A week ago, the blonde mage had taken a job, stating that she wanted a break from Team Natsu. She should have been back by now, and it worried Juvia.

"Juvia! Juvia! Hey! Juvia!" The water mage whipped her head around to look at Gray, who was sitting next to her. He gave her a worried look, asking, "I was trying to get your attention for almost a minute. What's wrong?" She and Gray had been sitting together at an otherwise empty table, having nobody else to hang out with since Erza, Natsu, and Wendy were on a job.

Juvia answered, worry evident in her voice, "Lucy should have been back by now. Aren't you worried?"

The suddenly shirtless Gray shrugged as he responded, "she's taken jobs that ended up being longer than expected. I'm sure that if she was experiencing trouble, then she would have sent Loke or Virgo here to get help."

Juvia nodded and looked back at the large, wooden door at the front of the guild. She knew that Gray was right. If Lucy was in danger, then she would send one of her spirits to get help. She had done it a few times before. But why did Juvia have such a bad feeling? Something was wrong. She just knew it. But she couldn't figure out what exactly was wrong. Was Lucy in trouble? If she was, then where were Loke or Virgo? They were her only spirits that could summon themselves. Surely either of them would summon themselves and come to Fairy Tail for help if Lucy was in trouble. Juvia couldn't figure out if she was just being paranoid or if her feeling of worry was spot on.

She jumped a little when she felt a hand gently lay on her shoulder. She turned around to see Gray, still visibly worried about her. He spoke in a soft tone that wasn't very fitting of how he usually acts, "Juvia, I know that you love Lucy. I know that you are worried about her. But you need to calm down a bit. I'm sure that she's alright. However, if you are so worried, then let's wait a few more days, and if she doesn't return, then we'll go to Gramps and tell him that Lucy might be in trouble. How does that sound?"

Juvia smiled softly at the ice mage. She remembered having a huge, obsessive crush on him. She was hostile toward any woman that even stood next to him and couldn't seem to leave him alone. It wasn't until Gray finally put an end to it by realizing her feelings toward him and rejecting her. He was gentle, but also clear and firm when he rejected her. Juvia was sad, of course she was, but as she focused on other things, she learned that she was being far too much. As time passed, she became closer to Lucy, and eventually, developed feelings for the blonde mage that she used to view as a "love rival." The water mage was grateful to Gray. He helped her keep herself from repeating her obsessive love, with Lucy as the target. The ice mage had been trying to convince her to confess to Lucy, but the blue-haired woman was never able to take the chance.

She was about to respond when the guild's door swung open, banging loudly against the wall and attracting the attention of every mage in the building. Juvia jumped to her feet at the sight of Loke and ran to him, Gray following her. As the celestial spirit leaned against the doorway and breathed heavily, obviously exhausted from his journey to the guild, the water mage asked worriedly, "what's wrong? Where's Lucy? Is she okay? Loke! Tell me what's happened!"

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