Operation: StiLu (Sting x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by KillerFrost07.

I absolutely LOVE StiLu! It's in my top five favorite Lucy ships. I don't know why I love this ship so much, I just do. I guess it's because I love that you can write them with a lot of tropes and it would fit them both very well. I especially love when Sting is written as this arrogant bad boy that is only soft for his sweetheart of a girlfriend (Lucy). I also love the idea of Sting being absolutely enamored with Lucy but is also too nervous to confess to her. The same goes for Lucy. I also love the idea of them being too oblivious to each other's feelings. The idea of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth members working together to get these two blondies to confess to each other is beautiful. Anyways, there is not enough StiLu content and that should be a crime. I mean, this is an absolutely beautiful ship and they would have some gorgeous children.

As for the oneshot, I hope the characters aren't too OOC (this also goes for my other oneshots lol). I'm not used to writing fanfiction, I'm a bit of a beginner actually. I tried to keep this one from being as long as my FreLu oneshot.

I hope you enjoy!


Practically the entirety of Magnolia could hear the commotion coming from the Fairy Tail guild. Sabertooth and Fairy Tail were having another one of their parties, the fifth one this month, and the entire town knew.

Inside the famous, and infamous, guildhall a beautiful celestial wizard and Sabertooth's guild master were sitting at the bar, talking, blushing, and being oblivious to each other's feelings. Off at another table, Rogue, Erza, Natsu, Gray, and the three dragon slayers' respective exceeds were watching the two in frustration.

Erza sat her fork down with a sigh. "Can those two be any more oblivious?" The others nodded. "How they can't see that they like each other is beyond me." Rogue rubbed Frosch's head as he spoke, his deep voice monotonous as usual. Natsu and Gray had stopped glaring at each other in favor of marveling over how Lucy and Sting can be so dense with the other two mages. Gray spoke as he flung his shirt off, "maybe we should sick Mira on them. She'll make them realize each other's feelings for sure." Natsu chuckled. "Mira would probably get a bit too aggressive trying to put those two together." Lector and Happy weren't paying attention to the conversation. Happy was scarfing down fish after fish while Lector was cheering him on.

Rogue watched as Frosch went to sit next to Lector and silently watch the raucous around them. He stated, "I'm surprised that she hasn't already. She obviously knows about them liking each other. My evidence is that yesterday I heard her going on and on to Minerva about 'little Stings and Lucys.'" Gray let out a laugh. "How did Minerva not punch her?" Rogue shrugged, responding simply, "beats me."

Natsu then spoke up, "maybe we should try to hook them up." The other three mages looked at the fire dragon slayer. Gray arched an eyebrow. "What do mean, Flame-Brain?" Natsu shot him a glare, snarling back, "exactly what I said, Stripsicle. The four of us get them together. Also, your shirt is gone." Gray glanced down at his body and immediately jumped up to search for the lost article of clothing. Erza looked back at the two blondes. She pondered the suggestion a few moments. She then spoke, "that's not a bad idea." Seeing the small smile that formed on Titania's face, Rogue and Gray, who had just returned from wrestling his shirt away from Juvia, glanced at each other. The two black-haired young men leaned back in their seats and nodded their agreement to the idea. Erza then spoke again, "so then, any ideas on how we do it?"

Lucy and Sting sat at the Fairy Tail bar, sipping their individual beverages and talking about a plethora of different topics. Both were blushing and smiling affectionately as they chatted. Lucy was facing the bar, staring down at her strawberry milkshake, and trying not to look Sting in eye for fear that she would become too flustered to even choke out intelligible sentences. Sting, meanwhile, doing the same thing, except his beverage was a beer.

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