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Third PoV

The house is silent as Dario walks through it. Beneath the doors that come into his view while he is walking up the stairs, he can see the white or yellow tinted light from inside the rooms shine through the tiny gap at the door.

He sees it from every room on the floor aside from two.

His own and Luciano's.

Once he reaches the top of the stairs, he decides against going into Luciano's room and instead goes into his sister's old room.

The moment he opens the door, he's hit with absolute chaos. The few things that were still in the room, that no one bothered to take away, are thrown all over the floor. The broken pieces of it all almost makes it impossible to walk into the room without the risk of cutting the bottom of his feet open.

Nonetheless, he walks into the room, accepting his fate and closing the door behind him. The state of the room seems to be getting worse the further he carefully steps into it and his breath hitches in his throat when he sees the actual extent of it all.

With the pictures burned and the room trashed, all that remained of their little sister is gone. All they have now is her.

The door behind him opens and his twin brother walks into the room, "what the fuck did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," he snaps, "it already looked like that when I came in here."

"Why are you even here in the first place?" Adriano slightly changes the topic, silently taking the state of the room in.

"The light was on. I thought Luciano might be here." Dario sighs. He gestures for his brother to walk out of the room while walking the same path he took minutes prior, this time faster and less careful.

Adriano turns the light off and waits for his twin to be out of the room before closing the door.

"Didn't Emilio tell you?" Adriano whispers as Dario walks towards Luciano's room instead of one of theirs.

"He did." He growls, opening the door with more force than necessary. To his surprise, the room is just as trashed as Liliana's old room.

Clothes cover the floor along with what seems to be the majority of breakable things in the room. The picture frames are smashed and the photos are ripped apart. Single papers from all kind of folders are in the midst of the mess.

The mattress is pushed to the side and the pillows and blanket - without the covers - are laying on the floor right next to the bed. The safe that was hidden beneath the mattress is laying on top of it, opened and empty. The envelopes full of money beneath the bed are also empty and upon a closer look at the closet, the money and fake ID's from there are gone too.

The very clear absence of guns, knives and other weapons almost taunt the twins. The destruction of - up until now - two rooms went unnoticed by them and by this fact alone, both know that it wasn't Luciano that did it.

It goes unspoken but it is so painfully clear that if it would have been Luciano, everyone would have heard it. They would have heard the throwing and the moving around of furniture. They also would have heard the yelling and insults directed at all of them, especially the oldest.

But none of those things happened. If it wouldn't been for the fact that they can clearly see the mess with their own eyes, they wouldn't even believe that it happened in the first place.

"Leandro or Emilio?" Adriano eventually asks after realizing that staring at it won't solve the mystery for them. Although, he is still extremely tempted to just continue staring and let his older brothers discover it themselves.

A small part of him is even amused by the thought of Emilio seeing something he will assume to be a reaction to his demand.

"Neither," Dario decides, "it's not like they would believe us."


"If we tell them that Luciano's room is trashed, they will both think that it was Luciano. Of course they would somehow know that it couldn't have been him, but they're not exactly on the best terms right now so I doubt that they would care about that rather significant detail," Dario points out, "Also, if we tell them that Lily's old room is just as trashed as this one, they will assume that it was me."

"Probably rightfully so." Adriano quietly scoffs, looking at Dario full of doubt.

"It wasn't me!" Dario seethes.

"Can you really blame me for thinking it, though? You've been everything but nice and welcoming for her. It really wouldn't surprise me if this is yet another attempt at whatever you and Luciano have been doing." Adriano points out, silently begging his twin brother to see reason within his words. To abandon the act he's been so adamantly persuading with no stray from it to be seen.

"How would I be supposed to do something like this now, Adriano?" Dario instead questions while barely being able to keep his feet still on the floor.

It seems so tempting to take a few steps forwards and allow his knuckles the rare opportunity to collide with his brothers cheekbone.

"I'm sure you're capable of finding a way to hold onto his nonsense even with him gone."

"Emilio kicked Luciano out, in case you haven't noticed. He's gone."

"I know. But his absence doesn't necessarily hinder you from seeing these things from his point of view." He points out, vaguely gesturing at the door and silently implying that it might be Dario and Luciano all along.

Dario in turn calculatingly looks at Adriano, ignoring his words, "do you still believe them?"

"What?" Adriano sighs, exaggeratedly throwing his head back to show how truly frustrated he is with their constant back and forth that gets neither of them anywhere close to the respective goals they have in mind.

"Are you still on their side? Still against us?"

"Against you?" He snorts, "do you even hear yourself talk? Do you understand what you're saying here?"

"Yes, Adriano, I do understand what I'm saying. But do you understand what you're saying? It's been so obvious from the very beginning but you purposely choose not to understand us."

"Dario, please." The twin sighs, once again begging his brother to see reason.

But with his words he shut down the small chance he might have had and all he can do is watch Dario storm out of the room as a spurt of the moment decision. His footsteps sound through the house which causes Emilio to come out of his room.

Immediately, the oldest sees the state of Luciano's room through the open door and sigh, "when did he do that?"

"I'm not sure it was him." Adriano tells him.

Emilio furrows his brows at that, walking towards the room until he's standing in the doorway, "what do you mean?"

"Lily's old room looks exactly like this one. They're both completely trashed." The younger one explains.

"I'll go talk to him." Emilio grunts out after a moment of silence passes between them.

Adriano is about to protest and further explain what he meant but Emilio is already walking down the stairs without looking back, even when his name is called. He continues walking until he's standing in their garage and unlocks one of his cars.

Due to the lack of footsteps behind him he knows that his younger brother was smart enough to not follow him and he carelessly shuts the door once he's seated. He puts the key in to start the car before reaching out with his hand to open the glove compartment.

Instead of the gun he expected to find to accompany him on his hunt for Luciano he finds an almost empty glove department.

All that's in there is an old picture of Luciano and Liliana with for her written over it. And once again, the same brown eyes stare back at him.


living a busy life rn, sorry

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