• prologue

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Third PoV

"Stop shaking your leg, Adriano. You're making me mad." Dario irritatedly tells his twin brother. Adriano looks annoyed up at him and rolls his eyes, "sorry for being nervous, Dario. I'll make sure not to show any kind of anticipation anymore."

"Thank you." Dario snaps, moving his eyes to look back out of the window of the moving car. Adriano follows his action and they're both consumed deep in thoughts.

Luciano lifts his head slightly and gratefully nods at Dario. The constant shake of Adriano's leg against his own has been aggravating him during the whole car ride.

"Are we really sure that this is it?" Leandro asks from the front seat. Luciano lets out an annoyed sigh but keeps quiet otherwise. Emilio daringly looks at him through the rear view mirror.

"Yes, Leandro. We are sure that this is the place the bastards took our sister to." Luciano tells him.

"And the plan still stands?" The second oldest questions the oldest, purposely ignoring the annoyed tone of voice that came from Luciano.

"Yes. We'll go in there and get our sister back." Emilio's eyes are set on the road. His thoughts are swirling with images of his little sister. Images of what she looked like the last time he saw her and what she might look like now.

Another part of his brain is occupied by the thought of what will expect them. 12 years in captivity is a lot for everyone. But especially for a 14 year old.

He, just like all of the brothers, wonders if she will even recognize them. Will she remember them? Or will they be strangers for her that she will fear?

During all those years and useless leads that never got them closer to the youngest, the brothers always asked themselves these questions. But they were never realistic enough to worry about the reality of those questions.

Instead, their minds were occupied by the worry of her state. Whether she is still alive or dead. And if she is still alive, what she is going through. All of them experienced their fair share of traumatic events, but never 12 years in captivity.

"Leave the killings to me." Luciano interrupts the silence when the abandoned building comes into their view. The tension in the car increases and so does Adriano's shaking leg.

"No," Leandro sighs, "we'll kill whoever we see. Everyone that isn't our sister in that building will die today. We'll shoot when we see them. We won't wait for you to come and kill them, Luciano."

"Why am I here then?"

"To rescue our - your - sister." Adriano hits his side with his elbow.

"We're all here to rescue our sister, Luciano. And should you fuck it up, you'll end up as just another dead body in an abandoned building." Emilio calmly says.

Seconds later he stops the car right in front of the building and the brothers all jump out of the car. Behind theirs, several more cars stop. Just like them, armed men exist the car and walk up to their own.

"We're here to rescue our sister. Everyone that isn't my sister gets shot right away. No expectations or hostages. If one is injured, you leave him behind until my sister is safe." The oldest Bianchi sibling orders the men.

"We're here to kill." Dario adds. Emilio nods at his words and they start walking towards the building.

The door is kicked upon and immediately gun shots can be heard from every direction. Men that were already in the building fall down to the floor. Some of their own men fall down too but everyone keeps on walking further into the building.

The brothers walk down the left side with some of their men following them. The other half walks down the right side. Shots continue to be shot in every direction. Groans of pain can be heard everywhere. Blood paints the ground and the walls.

"Emilio." Leandro points to a dark door at the end of the hallway. The only closed door in the hallway.

The oldest nods and they quickly walk towards the door. The guards shoot everyone around them and the blood splatters their clothes. Luciano shoots off the lock at the door and pushes it open.

A lightbulb, barely hanging onto the ceiling is the only source of light in the otherwise dark room due to the lack of windows. In one corner is a table and a bucket. In another is a bare, dirty mattress.

A small body cowers in the corner on top of the mattress. The head is hidden in the knees that the arms are wrapped around. The brothers stop two meters away from the mattress.

All of them put their guns away. Their men continue to shoot everyone that can be seen from the room. Their backs are turned towards the brothers and the girl on the mattress.

Emilio slowly walks towards the girl with small steps and crouches down in front of her. Her head lifts from her arms. Her face is covered in bruises, fresh and dried blood and various other injuries. Her body is shaking. He can't tell whether it's due to fear or the cold but he takes his jacket off nonetheless and gently wraps it around her shoulders.

Fearful eyes stare up at him. "I'm not here to hurt you. We're here to help you, sorellina."

The girl has a calculating look on her face, "Emilio?" She eventually whispers into the silence of the room.

Surprised, all brothers look at her. Leandro and Adriano move forward to get a better look at their sister's face. Relief floods all of their bodies at the confirmation that she remembers them.

"Yes, lily, it's me." Emilio says and opens his arms for her. The girl immediately falls into them and starts sobbing against his chest.

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