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Third PoV

The door to Siena's room is pushed open with less force than intended but still hard enough to startle her and wake her up. Satisfied with this result, Luciano walks into her room and closes the door behind him. He refrains from turning on the light to not alert his older brothers on what is going to happen.

Any kind of interference from their side would he everything but helpful for him.

He already has Dario on his side but he also can't be too sure about that. Adriano and the others still have a lot of power over him and it wouldn't come as a surprise should Dario suddenly change his mind and join their brothers side.

A part of him would even welcome this change. For entirely selfish reasons but his safety is important to Luciano.

And the same goes for the safety of his remaining brothers.

"What?" Siena asks confused, moving up against the headboard. The small source of moonlight shining through the gap between her window and the curtains is the only source of light in her dark room. But even without it she would be able to tell that Luciano is standing in her room, glaring down at her body.

With more alert than before does she fully sit up against the headboard, clutching the blanket against her chest.

Her arms are slightly shaking and she's warily looking on as Luciano crosses the room to her side of the bed and reaches his hand out towards her nightstand. She quickly moves her own hand out to take her phone and throws it beneath the blanket she goes back to clutching right away.

"Even more secrets?" He grins, leaning against the wall.

"What are you doing here?" She asks instead of answering his questions.

Her wary eyes look up at the mixture of pure insanity and joy on his face.

"It's time for us to talk." Luciano nonchalantly shrugs as his eyes are set on the door. From the corner, he can still see Siena but the possibility of the light in the hallway turning on is the more pressing matter to pay attention to for him right now.

"I don't want to talk to you," Siena tells him, "get out of my room."

"Well, unfortunately for you, I don't care what you want and I won't leave," he grins, "I'm here to talk to you and this conversation will happen. Whether you want it to or not, I really don't give a fuck about that."

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Like I said, I don't care."

Siena rolls her eyes, growing more and more annoyed by Luciano with every passing second, "get out of my room or I'll scream."

"Do it," Luciano shrugs, letting his hand wander down to his hips and slightly lifting the shirt almost on its own accord, "it won't end well for you."

The grip, rear sight and hammer of his gun are menacingly glistening in the moon light.

It's almost daring Siena to grab the gun and hide it from him the same way she hid her own phone.

The frightening effect the gun should have on her is lost due to her past and the experience around firearms she holds.

And although the surprise effect would - or at the very least should - be on her side, Luciano isn't worth it in her eyes.

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