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Third PoV

"It's okay, it's just us. You're safe here, cara." Leandro continues to calmly whisper into Siena's ear. Her anger doesn't subside though and instead increases due to his efforts of calming her down.

She doesn't want to be calm right now. She wants and needs to release all the anger she held within her for the past years. She needs to let them know how much anger is within her.

Siena needs to let the brothers see that she resents them and their imagination of her just as much as the monsters that held her captive. She needs them to feel the pain she felt for years.

What she doesn't need is Leandro's pathetic comfort that only fuels her anger.

"It's okay." Adriano calmly says, crouching down in front of her. Siena continues to fight against Leandro's strong hold and eventually lashes out at the twin brother in front of her when her attempts to escape the second oldest Bianchi's arms aren't successful.

Her foot kicks right against Adriano's knee. If it hurts him, he doesn't show it but his hand shoots out to help steady himself. His face keeps the same amount of understanding and comfort on it for her.

Behind them, barely out of Adriano's sight his twin brother scoffs at the situation and is about to solve Siena's breakdown in his own way when Emilio's arm shoots out in front of him. The oldest shakes his head at him and signals for him and Luciano who's watching the situation unfold with evident amusement on his face to leave the room.

Luciano gladly does so while laughing and whispering some insults directed at the girl beneath his breath. Dario laughs out loud at a particular insult and follows his older brother out of the room. The annoyed looks at the back of his head from all of his brothers don't go unnoticed by him but the fun will always outweighs the annoyance.

"Ignore them and focus on us," Leandro whispers into Siena's ear, slightly relaxing his grip, "you're safe here."

"I'm not." Siena chokes out, grimacing when her struggling becomes painful on her wounds. Simultaneously Leandro can feel his clothes wetten and worriedly looks behind him at Emilio, "she's bleeding."

"The doctor is waiting for you downstairs. You'll need to calm down and allow him to tend to your wounds or he'll have to sedate you." Emilio calmly explains, for now still willing to give his sister the choice.

"No!" Siena yells at him, increasing her struggles again. With Leandro's relaxed grip, she can break free from his arms. Immediately she starts trashing the room again.

It only lasts for seconds now though before Emilio has her arms wrapped around her. His eyes are on her blood soaked clothes and his grip tightens.

"Lily, calm down. You're bleeding and only hurting yourself," he harshly says, "I'll take you downstairs now and you'll let the doctor look at you. If he has to, he will sedate you and I will allow that."

"You can't do that!" Siena yells at him.

"Shut the fuck up!" Luciano yells back from the hallway, rolling his eyes at her attitude. Dario starts laughing out loud again, making the older brother also start laughing.

"Luciano!" Leandro irritatedly yells back. The two brothers continue their laughter in the hallway but walk into the younger one's room to create some distance between themselves and the others.

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