Chapter 24: Gajasura

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Maya watched as Zuko trained his firebending.

"I still don't understand why you are making me train all of a sudden." He panted as the fire ball disappeared.

"You will be fighting Shumbh's older brother."

Zuko's body went rigid as his head snapped in her direction. "I'm sorry, WHAT?"

"You heard me." Maya spoke. "Neither me nor Shiva can kill him."

"Why me though?"

"He can only be killed by a human."

"Can't someone else kill him?"

Maya shook her head before consoling the Firelord. "Zuko, why are you so worried when you have me on your side. If you do as I say, I assure you, you will emerge victorious."

Zuko gave a crooked smile which caused the girl to chuckle.

Shiva arrived as he told the two. "Gajasura has been sighted. It's best if we end him today."

Zuko looked at Maya one last time before Shiva took him to the demon.

Time skip

On the way there, Zuko saw many people dancing in the temple made for the goddess Chandra. The songs they were singing seemed familiar to him, as if he has known them his whole life.

A tree branch was about to fall on the people who were dancing around the temple. Before Zuko to tell them about the dangling branch over their heads, it fell.

But before the branch could even touch the citizens, it immediately turned into flowers.

Zuko mumbled the words under his breath, trying to remember it completely.

Time skip

Gajasura saw Zuko walk into the forest. "Well, well. Look who's here."

Zuko saw the demon, who continued. "Did Chandra really think that you can defeat me?" He laughed. "I never thought she could be wrong."

Gajasura made the first move which Zuko was able to counter. Their fight went on for a few minutes when Zuko realised that the demon was moving exactly how Maya had been when she was sparring with him.

Time skip

Maya watched Zuko's fight, there was a high chance that the Firelord would win hence she wasn't really worried.

She was meditating when she heard someone calling her. Getting the precise location from were she was called, she saw a barren land with farmers praying to a mud statue of her.

The land had cracks while the farmers were fragile.

Maya appeared in form of Chandra infront of them as they bowed, their heads touching the hot ground.

"At your foot, no one is greater or loser, all are equal." The farmer looked at her.

"My lone heart's voice only reaches your ears." He spoke.

"Then why doesn't this suffering end? All paths are lost and lead to darkness."

"Fear shivers in my heart, there is a forest fire in the trees as well as in my heart."

"This game is set, this unfair game has been set, my goddess."

"We are breaking all traditions and taking your oath. Show us the path as to how to win this game."

"Get us out of these painful circumstances, hold us up and provide us with strength as the game is set at your doorstep."

"The fabric of my relations is unwoven, there is no one I can rely on."

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