Chapter 12: Calm before the storm

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Zuko dropped Maya off at Dhanloka before heading to the fire nation. Ever since she had the vision, she felt uneasy.

Zuko had noticed it as he had questioned her about it.

She was greeted by the citizens, happy at her return. She retired to her chambers.

Shiva peeked inside before coming in. He stood next to her bed and spoke. "The time is decreasing rapidly. I met with Indra today. He also seems worried. One of the asuras have the boon that they would die when they wish to. Brahmadev has given them many weapons which could wipe out humanity or even the entire Earth."

Maya covered her face as she reminded herself of the vision. "War might be upon us Shiva." She sighed as she got up.

Shiva paced around the room as Maya rubbed her forehead. "Order the citizens to go to their nearest temple tomorrow before noon."

Shiva looked at her confused, hoping for some explanation.

"Something bad is going to happen. We should meet with father."

The two walked into the meeting as they bowed to the king.

Ashok, pleased to see his daughter and Shiva, told them to take their seats.

Shiva politely declined as Maya shook her head.

"What brings you two here?" The king asked.

"I have been getting a lot of inauspicious signs lately." Shiva stated. "And Maya also believes that something bad is going to happen."

Ashok tensed up at the mention of Maya's belief as she had always been right.

"Father, I have a feeling that war may be upon us."

The subjects gasped under their breath at Maya's assumption.

"I wish for you to send out a notice that stated that all citizens must go to their nearest temple tomorrow before noon and stay there until further instructions are given."

Ashok nodded to the guards who went to dispatch the information.

"Ready the troops."

Time skip

Maya watched to sunset from her balcony as Ashok came up from behind her.


Maya turned around and bowed before turning back to the sky.

"I wish to crown you as the ruler before my departure."

"What do you mean?"

"My body is failing, after the 12 year penance I did to have you.. The years are finally catching up."

"Then you must visit a physician. Would you like for me to send the royal physician to your room?"

He went closer to the girl and patted her head. "No.. it's no use."

Maya's eyes immediately darted to him, worry evident on her face. "You are hiding something else."

Ashok smiled. "I have never been able to hide something from you or your mother for long.

"Your mother and I are going on a pilgrimage."

"So you are going to return right?" Maya smiled which slowly faded when her father didn't answer. "Right?"

"I feel like I have tied myself down with the material wealth and it's starting to get to my head." Ashok sighed. "You my dear, are free from all attachments. You have control over yourself better than anyone else and know where your priorities lie. It is time I step down and you take over."

"You must hold onto the crown for a little longer." Maya looked away. "If I am correct.. we will need a reliable source for our citizens to lean on."

"You are the source. Shiva is also the source."

"You don't understand father. Me and Shiva won't be here. How can I take care of my people when I'm not here? I want you to delay my crowning as the ruler. You can leave for your pilgrimage the very same day if you wish."

Ashok knew that something was going to happen and agreed.

As Ashok left Maya gripped onto the balcony's ledge. The cold marble slightly cracked under the pressure as Maya let it go, repairing it immediately after. Her mind raced with thoughts as the dark storm clouds gathered over her head.

She knew what was going to happen but her love for the nation kept her awake all night.

She felt the warm sun rays on her skin. She was met with her hand maids to whom she instructed to stay at the temples and not come out.

The entire morning was spent making sure that all citizens were at the temples. Soldiers were ordered to make sure no one went in and no one came out.

Maya and Shiva were the only ones in the palace. The empty halls echoed with their footsteps. They reached the highest balcony there was and waited.

The air was unnaturally humid and damp, the trees were still and the birds had disappeared completely. They had sent orders to the travellers to not come home until the permission was given.

The great nation had come to a standstill as the citizens prayed for their Maya and Shiva's wellbeing.

Kamala, Maya's mother panicked, not finding her daughter anywhere in the massive temple. Ashok had to lie that she was somewhere else along with Shiva.

A loud horn was heard as the birds hiding in the trees flew away.


Indra- King of the heavens, god of rain and thunder

Maya(Zuko X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant