Prologue 1: Sirens Ring At Signs of Danger

Start from the beginning






Who was I again?


My eyes closed before I could answer that question, and I fell to the floor, my head hitting the ground with a slam.


I opened my eyes. Taking a moment to blink, before sitting up. I put my hand to my head for a bit, trying to ease my headache. I paused, looking up. This... wasn't my room. Where was I?

I sat up in the bed, letting my eyes adjust and take in the surroundings. It wasn't my room, but it was completely furnished as if it were. Lots of things that honestly, I'd want in my room. As if someone had made this room specially for me. I calmed myself from panicking, and let my thoughts become clear. First, it's important to remember exactly who you are. It sounds stupid, but if I was knocked out or something, it's important to figure out if I have a concussion or brain damage. I took a deep breath, letting myself think for a moment.

My name is Hirano Rei. I recently got into a high school called Yuutsumi Academy. At this school, you have to be the best of the best at what you do to get in. That's why we're called Ultimates. I am the Ultimate Tutor at this academy.

I earned that title from the fact that I can teach students very well

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I earned that title from the fact that I can teach students very well. I've won awards on how I'm able to educate others with a fiery passion. Once, I learned algebra in three hours, and was able to teach an entire class to perfection. A- at least that's what people say... I don't think
I'm all that great though. I don't deserve praise like that. People say that I would earn the title of Ultimate Teacher as well. But they had an Ultimate Teacher last year, and the school doesn't like having duplicates within four years. So, I'm the Ultimate Tutor instead.  Wh- which, I don't mind it at all, because what I do isn't something I'm proud of.

Teaching people was the only way to get close to them. I've never really had any... friends. It's pretty sad, I have to say. I just get so scared, and I can't get the words out. I guess you can say that I'm the definition of shy. But teaching people was something I could do. I've always been good at explaining, so bringing in knowledge is the only way I can manage to get the words out. Even if no one I teach thinks that it's a friendship, I can't help but be happy that someone listens to any words that come out of my mouth.

So I don't mind being called the Ultimate Tutor. If only for a moment someone can learn something from me, then I'll be happy. I was hoping that this school could actually help me. I'd heard so much about how this school, and how it sets you up for future success. I thought that, well, maybe it also helped with peoples relationships. Since someone like the Ultimate Serial Killer was able to come here and graduate.

The Ultimate Serial Killer, Hano Yoshiko. She just so happened to be the first person to be reformed through this school. Apparently, Yuutsumi academy was able to cure her of her mental insanity, earn her friends, and managed to get her to graduate with straight A's. Currently, she's learning to become the president of our country. It's a very interesting story that I researched into, so I pretty much know the entire story.

Truth be told, I also researched every Ultimate that is coming into this school. Maybe I shouldn't have, because getting to know people is better, and it might seem like I'm being stalker-ish, but I was just to curious. Plus, it's only information about things they've accomplished. I don't know anything about who they really are, so, I want to get to know them! Hopefully I don't come off as an Ultimate Fanatic or something along those lines.

I paused for a moment. Didn't something really weird happen when I was actually coming into this high school? That's right, I was walking into the academy, and then something happened, but it was really fuzzy, and then I passed out. But now, I'm not really sure where I am. This could be the dorms at Yuutsumi Academy, or I could have been captured by someone. Either way, it was a very confusing situation.

I let myself observe the things in the room. Such as the camera pointed directly at me, and the monitor on the wall. A stack of books sat on a desk, along with a fountain pen. One I'd had since I was a kid. How did they get that fountain pen? Did they get it from my backpack? Or did they steal it?

I pulled open a desk drawer. A pencil, an eraser, a pencil sharpener, a notebook, a lanyard, a black and red pen, and a portfolio sat neatly placed in a black foam sheet, each having a small space cut out and placed inside of it. I closed it, trying not to be amazed about how neat and tidy it was.

I wandered over to the closet, noticing a yellow sticky not planted on the front of it. I pulled it off of the closet, and examined it. A couple of words were written on it, catching my full attention.

"Please put on the outfit residing in this closet. Failure to do so before you leave this room will result in punishment."

Punishment? What did it mean? All I could really think of was detention. I didn't want to get in trouble on the first day! I'd never gotten in trouble at school in my life! And when I did, it was always because of someone else, and would end up getting resolved. Panicked, I quickly rustled into the closet and pulled out a set of clothes, even though all of them were basically the same.

It was a uniform. Not from this school though. But there wasn't any other school that I could imagine this school being related to. The thing was, my attire should be good for Yuutsumi Academy. It was the standard uniform for this school. Basically just a brown jacket, brown skirt, etc. But this one was yellow and a very dark blue.

I stepped inside, not wanting to be seen by the camera. I took a long deep sigh, before putting them on. It was kind of strange, since this seemed to be a scary situation, but I wanted to avoid as much trouble as possible. This would most likely help me avoid whatever "punishment" they were talking about.

I stepped out, and then began slowly making my way to the door, almost terrified. The sticky note implied that I could walk right out of there, but I wasn't to sure. It was just... horrifying. What if it all went wrong? What if this was some sort of test to make sure that I would follow their rules?

These questions pondered my mind, as I quickly forced the door open, stopping anymore of my hesitation. My eyes were closed tightly, almost as if I were trying to keep myself from facing my reality. As if I were trying to keep myself calm. And yet, it didn't calm me down.

Slowly, they reopened. Instead of some sort of "punishment", I was met with a hallway. Beige wallpaper, fancy carpet, and small light fixtures. It almost looked like a hotel. So maybe this was the dorms?

I walked into the hallway, looking around at the sixteen doors. Eight on each side, with small little cartoon drawings on each of them. I stared at my door, looking at the small drawing on it. It looked like me, but just 2D. But that only confused me more, because if this was mine, then what about all the other doors? We're there other people captured here? Or are those their dorm rooms?

Suddenly, something moved out of the corner of my eye. In a panic, I turned and...

Words: 1990

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