i will always want her.

"I understand what she did was wrong trust me but she didn't have a choice and at the end of the day she still wanted you and told you everything I mean Iyana literally broke up with you to make herself better for you."

"And your not even man enough to see her you know I've visited her right... she's doing well but she worries about you every night her bodyguards tell me that some nights she couldn't sleep cause she was up trying to call you or she was worried about you."

"I even heard one of the voice mail messages that she sent you hear I'll play it for you" he grabs my phone before I can.

James presses play on the voice message.

Iyana:Hi Matteo it's me you already know that so I was just calling to make sure your okay...you didn't come visit me yesterday in the hospital I'm an asshole I know trust me I really fucking know but I really do care for you I can't breathe not knowing if your safe or not.

Iyana: So I just really need you to come see me if you can't do that then just text me or call me Matteo I would really like to hear your voice right now I have important news i completed an assignment for the FBI yes I'm officially an FBI agent you probably don't care.

Iyana: I just wanted to let you know because well I don't know really but anyways enough talking please get back to me so I can know that your okay Matteo bye I'll call you later hm?

James ends the voice message just to play another one.

Iyana: it's been a week Matteo I just want you to come & see me I know I don't deserve anything but please i can't let you hate me...please don't hate me I'm sorry.

Then the voice message just ends.

"The rest of voice messages you can hear her crying Matteo your breaking her without even being there" my brother shook his head.

I'm so fucking proud of her.

"Tell her that I'm okay alright" I shrug it off.

"What the hell! tell her your okay Matteo! she needs to see you you've been murdering a lot of people lately you need some peace alright let her be your peace."

i look at a picture of us when we were at the beach.

"I need to go James" I pick up my jacket putting it on me, James looks at me before grabbing my arm.

"go see her for you lose her and we both know if you loose her you won't be able to stay sane" he lets go of my arm.



"James what are you doing here again?" I ask him, shocked he even still comes to visit me.

but he also as a niece.

"Matteo's being stubborn I guess my niece also gets that from him too speaking of my Niece where is she!" He yells, she comes running towards him.

"ahh there she is" he embraces her in a tight hug.

i smile at the sight.

"So is he okay though?" I ask him, he shook his head.

"No Iyana he says he's okay but I know my own brother he needs you but he just won't admit it" He tells me, I chuckle.

sounds like Matteo.

"I got you something" James whisper in her ear.

he pulls out 10k."James no hell no take it back please I can't accept that" my two year old started to grab it.

i pulled her hand back.

"Iyana tu familia ahora" he smiles at me, picking up my little girl.

I returned the smile.

"Still James it's too much you know I have money of my own too right?" I ask him, he nods but hands me the money.

"It's from me you probably don't need it but I want you to have it I know you could put it to better use." he chuckles.

"thanks James I'll remember that I owe you" I tell him, he shook his head.

"No no your family plus I love my niece here you take a break I'll take her to the park or something" he tells me, I nod.

she already dressed from going to the mall with me.

"bye my love" I kiss her forehead.

"I'll bring her back safely with your bodyguards"

he waves by to me so does she.

i head upstairs taking off my shoes when I heard my phone start to ring."Matteo?" I quickly responded.

no answer.

"Matteo please say something" I beg him.

still no answer I just hear breathing.

then he hangs up.

i wipe away my tears going to lay in my bed.

everything is my fault.

Authors note ———

Favorite character??

Do you still like Iyana???

Do you feel bad for her??

Do you like James???

Do you like Matteo?

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short chapter I have school!!

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