Wake Up Sleepy Head

370 14 21

omg, author posts fluff? no way.

Royal au.

The morning sun dawned over them. Xiao was the first to wake up. He looked over his shoulder to see the blond sleeping peacefully. Some maids rolled in with carts full of food and tea. They tried their best to stay on the yellow carpet to not wake up the blond. Xiao was shaking the blond awake.

"Both me and him would like pancakes with banana and one Mint tea. I would like some orange juice."-Xiao

"Certainly. We'll get your tea and orange juice now. Here are your pancakes."-Maid

The maids left, the only task being to wake up the sleepy Aether. But he looked so adorable asleep. And his wings were out, and they look so fluffy. Just
one stroke and it will be fine.

"Touch them again and there will be one slicing through you."-Aether

Okay so he was awake and had intentions to muder his lover. That totally wasnt normal at all.

"Wake up and eat with me. I need your company in bed."-Xiao

"Nooo. Fuck you and your hot morning voice."-Aether

"But the food."-Xiao

"Baby, no. This is the only sleep Im getting today."-Aether

"Aether. Its ten in the morning."-Xiao

Aether groaned and sat up. His chubby face formed a pout as he rubbed his eyes and streteched. The blond then snuck a kiss in between. The carts soon rolled in again, not making any noise.

"Here is your Mint tea. Ah, good morning my lord. And here is a cup of orange juice with a pitcher incase you need a refill. And here is your list for today my lord, requested by your father. And here's your son with a bottle of milk and baby formula."-Maid

'Thank you." Xiao took the crying Apollo from the maid and the maids left.

Aether fed Apollo with the bottle the maid gave him while Xiao ate his breakfast. Xiao tickled the little baby under his chin as he woke up and smiled. Aether laughed a bit after setting him down on the bed and taking a bite out of his food.

"There's not that much I have to do today. Want to do something after I'm done?"-Aether

"Cant, I have to do something today."-Xiao

"Okay. Are you going to be long?"-Aether

"Maybe until 11pm or 2 in the morning."-Xiao

Aether frowned. But its Xiao, his duties come first. Though, the blond would say the same thing. But it's the excuse he had recently. Though, he trusts his lover when he says no is no.

"Ill make it up to you, I promise." Xiao gave Aether a kiss on the cheek. He then got up and left the room.

What a sad morning.

What a sad morning

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465 words and Im on my laptop cri.

And be honest, who wants smut?

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