Longings of Family

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Angsty fluff sorta thing, and its the Royal AU. Please read A Royal Mystery so you can kinda get an idea. Actually, read that and A New Heir so you can understand who is who. Its in the other one shot book

3 years after the incident have they not found the person who did it. No one was at ease in the marble palace of Celestia ever since the Commissioner and his daugther were shot in the back. The Commissioner was still suffering with the past trauma, but his mind was sharp as ever. Nothing ever leaves his mind until he speaks about it with someone. His daughter, Aria, was only a year old when that happened, so she only had a scar and sleeping problems. She couldnt sleep without the comfort of her parents or she will have nightmares of a man hurting her mother while she couldnt move.

The Prince of Adeptal Regions has been more than enough help to his family. He tried to make the Commissioner forget the incident so he wouldnt freak out when someone mentions it. He got him therapy sessions, calmed him down with simple songs. But he still remebered. Now the family are in one of the gardens, taking a small break from work. Aria was playing near the pond, collecting glaze lilles to make a crown for her aunt.

"Aether, whats on your mind? I can tell something is bothering you."-Xiao

"Nothing Xiao."-Aether

'Everytime you say that, you hold it in. Please. Tell me."-Xiao

The blond couldnt help but blush at the fondness of his lover. He was correct, he did hold it in. Everything was kept secret.

"What wouldve happened if I died in your arms?"-Aether

The raven chuckled. "In Adeptal customs, the funeral director wouldve made you a casket made of white to symbolize your pure heart, decorated with Windwheel Asters. Then I wouldve said a speech on how you greatly affected my life and kissed your forehead one more time. Then you would be buried and a shrine would be made in honor of you."-Xiao

"Xiao, that seems so sweet."-Aether

"It is. It would be different for Morax since he controls all of Liyue. If he died, then he would get a casket made of gold decorated with Glaze Lilles. All the leaders of Liyue would make a speech about him and we would have a moment of silence in honor of him."-Xiao

The raven explained everything about Liyue and his culture to Aether. In all honesty,  the blond asked those questions to see his lover's eyes light up. He has been so kind these past years and has never been able to relax. It's like he and Xiao switched places. Aether couldn't relax while Xiao was so calm.

"Mama! Papa! I made a flower crown for aunty!"-Aria

"I'm sure aunty will love it, Aria. Do you want help making a flower bouquet for aunty also?"-Aether

"What's a flower booquit?"-Aria

"Bouquet Ari. Boo-que."-Aether


"At least you tried, my little flower."-Aether

"But I do want to make a gift for aunty's birthday tomorrow. Mhm!"-Aria

"Xiao, would you like to help?"-Aether

"I would be glad too."-Xiao

They all made a small bundle of flowers and got them clean for Lumine.  The blond looked a bit sad, but was happy to help. Then again, Aether always spends it alone praying to his ancestors safety for his family.

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