Strikes Again

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I have like three drafts now.

Anyways Royal AU

A bunch of people were coming in the palace for a dinner party. It was just a get together since all the archons haven't met each other in a long time and could use some time off. Aria and Apollo couldn't join since they were going to drink alcohol. It was a lot of fun.

Some people danced, some talked, and some sat down and watched everything go down. Ei got into a petty argument with Venti and they started fighting. They had a small duel outside of the palace. Turns out they both were drunk.

Aether was having a lot of fun. Xiao wasn't much for big events so he stayed in the garden tending to his flowers until it was time for dinner. Aether waved and gave a big smile for Xiao to come in and sit with him. He lead the raven to the big dinner table where they both sat in the middle since they didn't want to draw attention to themselves sitting in the front.

"It's time for me to turn in. Thank you for your presence here in my palace." Aether politely bowed and went to bed. It was quite strange for him to sleep this early. It's not even ten yet.

The truth was, Aether felt sick. Sicker than he ever been. He made that excuse to rush to the bathroom to see if something was wrong with him. His face was sweaty, his body felt weak, and he felt like he was running out of air.

His arms and legs were purple. Shit. Strike X Poison. His food was poisoned. How was he supposed to get help? This same thing almost killed Aria! At least it would take longer to spread unlike Aria since she's so young.

Strike X Poison is a specific poison that heavily affects people of Celestia. The poison starts at the bottom of the limbs and works it's way through the heart. Eating everything it can in its path to the heart. Once it reaches the heart, a X will appear over the body, signaling the person is already dead.

Aether fell to the bathroom floor. He couldn't move. It was already starting to spread. He clung on to the counter for life.

"Xiao. Please...I'm sorry."-Aether

"You should be."-Xiao

Aether didn't even notice he was there. It's like he was magic. He was, but still.

"You're in bad shape. Was it the food? Wait a minute, why are your arms and legs purple?"-Xiao

"My food was poisoned. And this is a side effect. It's shutting down my body."-Aether

Xiao sighed and helped him up. The blond wasn't moving at all after he got to his bed. The raven insisted on keeping the lights on and the windows open.

"Love please, I'm fine for now. We can just wait until morning."-Aether

"Morning is when most side effects get worse."-Xiao

Xiao closed the door and immediately tried to look for Lumine. She must know something about this. Her brother got poisoned, and yet he studies poisons. There must be a cure.


"You serious? Aether got poisoned? By food?"-Lumine

"That's what he told me."-Xiao

"Dang. Welp, I have to see him first."-Lumine

Xiao lead her to their room. Aether was pale and purple. His veins were clear on his skin. His face was sweating and he was crying softly. Why does all the bad stuff happen to him?

"Luckily I have one last bottle of the antidote. But we need to undress Aether to put it on. Fully. I'll leave that to you."-Lumine


"You fucked him before!"-Lumine

Xiao sighed and took off his pants. He didn't really need to take off the shirt. Though he needed to be quick, Aether was getting worse.

"You start at the heart and follow the lines where his skin turns purple. You'll have to rub it too. I'll leave to make another antidote for it in case it happens again and if you need another bottle."-Lumine

Xiao did as he was told, but Aether wasn't getting any better. The purple lines stopped spreading, but it was like the poison was still in his body. Was it getting better?

"I'm back. You done?"-Lumine

"Yes. Why is he still like that?"-Xiao

"It's just his immune system fighting it off. All the antidote did was weaken it a lot. He'll be better by morning. What, you expected him to get magically better so quickly?"-Lumine

Xiao looked at him with a stern face. Aether was tearing up and his cheeks were red. It made the raven want to cry as well. Xiao gave Aether new and comfortable clothes. He hoped for the best and moved the blond to a more comfortable position.

"I love you. Remember that."-Xiao

sobbing, I found my people on Tik Tok

Also, which Raiden solos? Please. I need to know

816 words

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