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Dang Part Two

"What colors do you see?"-Xiao

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"What colors do you see?"-Xiao

Aether was still crying and shaking. At least he wasn't yelling at the employees for trying to help him. He's still scared of them.

"White... and gray."-Aether

"You're still having hallucinations about the palace?"-Xiao

"Yeah. Still remember it too well." Aether held on tightly when he saw his father walk in with some other employees. They looked guilty and doubtful.

"Let him go."-Aether's Father

Aether looked scared. This was the first time in almost 500 years was he actually scared. The blond clasped himself onto the raven's torso, hugging him like a koala. He buried his head in his chest as his earring made a noise. It startled him a bit.

"Leave first. He's obviously scared of you and needs time to calm down."-Xiao

"I don't need to leave to take care of my son."-Aether's Father

"When did you start to care? You stopped caring when Mom died. "-Aether

"SHUT YOUR TRAP!"-Aether's Father

When did he start to care? He never wanted children, only a heir to the throne to manipulate so he could get it. That's why Lumine is so distant from her brother, but she always comes back. And it infuriates him how easy she softens up around him. She's his sole puppet to his own success, not her brother.

Why did he yell? Aether's now screaming and hallucinating. He was getting better. And now it's gone all because this stupid excuse of a person came in and yelled.

"Why are you even here anyways? It's obvious that you never cared about Aether's health."-Xiao

"I just came to tell him good riddance. He has to stay here for more than five months. I'm sure he's going to kill himself before that."-Aether's Father

"My lord, that's not something to put in his head."-Doctor

"Do I pay you to tell me what to do?" Aether's Father

"No sir."-Doctor

"Then shut up."-Aether's Father

The group walked out, only one remained. She was holding a tray of needles.

"I am only loyal to my Prince and Queen. I dont care if I get fired."-Doctor

"What's in the tray?"-Xiao

"Antibiotics. They should help him with the headaches. Unfortunately, the hallucinations are something he's going to have to get over himself."-Doctor

Xiao said his thanks as he walked out. He could tell this doctor was capable of caring for Aether the time he is here. He walked to Apollo's room, where he told Aria to stay. They were walking around the room, teaching Apollo to walk again with the help of a pediatrician

"Papa! How's Mommy?"-Aria

"Not doing well. Your grandfather ruined the moment."-Xiao

Aria frowned. The pediatrician showed what Apollo leaned while he was gone. Apollo learned to waddle, sit, and nod. He had to learn everything he knew again. But he couldn't talk. It made Aria smile again.

"Great Job Apollo. You and Aria deserve a small treat when you leave. Wanna go see Mama?"-Xiao

Apollo and Aria nodded. They approached Aether's room quietly. It was silent other than the fact there was light snoring. The blond was sleeping peacefully. The doctor was braiding his hair while he was sleeping on the bed.

"Ah, I'm sorry! His hair looked messy and and nappy so he let me combed it and style it! I'm truly sorry if I-"-Doctor

"It's fine. He took a liking to you. That being said, I did bring my own kids to visit him. I suppose we can watch over them together."-Xiao

If you haven't noticed who it was already, it's Sucrose.

The doctor blushed. She never expected someone this kind that looked so mean. She nodded as she finished braiding the blond's hair.

They played around, taught Apollo some words, and soon slept with Aether. Xiao gave a small smile as he put a blanket over them. He clicked on a lamp and left the hospital, leaving them a note.

Hey Aether.

I went home for today. The kids are with you with all the food they can eat.

The doctor that helped you a lot was named Sucrose. Please give her a raise. She deserves it.

Thank you, Xiao

Get me out of here, I hate it. I WANNA LEAVEEE

721 words

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