2. Date Night

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Even on the rare occasions when Seokjin does feel a pang of jealousy, it's short-lived, thanks to the unmistakable way Jungkook reminds everyone of his loyalty.

He still vividly recalls a night at a club with their friends when a guy tried to hit on Jungkook. How did Jungkook respond?

He simply gave the guy a disdainful look, raised his middle finger, then promptly settled onto Seokjin's lap for an impassioned kiss. What more could Seokjin ask for? He wrapped his arms around Jungkook, returning the favor.

When they finally parted after almost half an hour, the guy had vanished into thin air.

However, it's a different story when someone dares to flirt with Seokjin. If you attempt to make a move on Seokjin, you might as well be summoning the wrath of one and only Jeon - sorry, Kim Jungkook.

And on this particular evening, it seemed the waitress had drawn the short straw.


First, she greeted them with an overly saccharine smile, directed a bit too sweetly towards Seokjin. Seokjin thanked her politely and placed his hand on Jungkook's back, steering them toward their table.

Second, she seemed completely oblivious to the concept of personal space. She stood far too close to Seokjin while taking their orders, causing him visible discomfort. But one glance at Jungkook was all it took for him to know that his husband had already handled the situation in his own mind.

Evidently, the waitress remained unaware of the daggers being figuratively hurled her way.

"She's a bitch," Jungkook muttered once she was out of sight.
Seokjin, well aware of what was about to unfold, simply nodded, a soft chuckle escaping his lips when he heard Jungkook's next words.

"And I know, how to put bitches like these in their place, very well."

"I'm waiting," Seokjin said and Jungkook grinned, puckering his lips at him. Seokjin couldn't resist leaning over to plant a kiss on those inviting lips before settling back in his seat.

Their orders arrived, and they immersed themselves in their meal, momentarily forgetting about the waitress. After all, they had come here to enjoy a pleasant evening.

"You said you didn't want dessert."

"I did," Jungkook replied, inching the chocolate cake closer to himself while Seokjin was momentarily distracted.

"Then why are you eating mine?"

"Because it's delicious," he shrugged.

Seokjin sighed as he realized the plate was now out of his reach. "I'll order another one. Do you want more?"

Jungkook shook his head, his mouth still full. "You can order for yourself. I'm okay with yours."

Knowing very well that he probably wouldn't get the chance to eat the second one as well, Seokjin put the spoon down and leaned back on the chair as he continued to stare at the evil rabbit munching oh his dessert, shamelessly.

Once he finished the cake, Jungkook looked up, flashing a bunny-toothed smile. "Thank you, yeobo. It was sooooo delicious."

"No problem," Seokjin replied, his tone deadpan.

Jungkook giggled as he gracefully rose from his chair, heading over to Seokjin. Leaning in, he tenderly cradled Seokjin's face and planted a kiss on his lips. The flavor of melted chocolate lingered in his mouth, enhancing the sweetness, prompting a soft hum from Seokjin.
"I love you. I have a better one for you when we go home."

Seokjin paused for a moment, a smile slowly spreading across his face as he urged Jungkook into another lingering kiss. "I love you too."

"Shall we go now?" He asked standing up, holding his hand.

"No, I want to do something first."

In the midst of their conversation, the waitress sauntered over. She batted her eyelashes at Seokjin, her unbuttoned shirt revealing more of her skin as she twirled her hair seductively. "Would you like anything else, sir?" she purred in a sultry tone.

"Yes," Jungkook responded with a sly grin. "Could you bring us your finest drink?"

"Of course." She again turned to Seokjin and opened her mouth. "He doesn't need anything, sweetheart. I'd appreciate if you'd bring the drinks quickly." Jungkook said.

Shooting Jungkook a disdainful glance, she walked away, and Seokjin settled back into his seat. After a brief wait, she returned with a tray, placing a glass in front of Seokjin. "I'm sure you'll enjoy this."

She then positioned the other glass in front of Jungkook, who took it and motioned for her to come closer. She looked puzzled but complied with his request.

Jungkook took a sip, savoring the taste before letting out a pleased hum.  "It's not bad. Wanna taste?"
Without warning, he upended the entire drink over her head, earning a loud exclamation of shock. Did Jungkook mind the attention from others? Not in the slightest.

"You seem to be enjoying it," he remarked, smirking at the scowl on her face.

"I hope this will help you cool down your horny ass." He took a step ahead and glared at her.

"Consider yourself lucky that I just threw the drink on you. If I see you looking at my husband ever again, I'll gouge your eyes out then I'll see how will you bat your fake eyelashes at him. And if you attempt to twirl that dirty hair of yours, at least wash it first. Now, button up your shirt and say, 'Sorry, Mr. Kim Jungkook, I won't act like a  desperate bitch again.'"

The waitress glanced at him, her expression a mixture of fear and shame, following his instructions and avoiding eye contact.

Once satisfied, Jungkook took Seokjin's hand. "Can we return to this place, yeobo? I enjoyed the food, especially the wine."

"Of course, love. Anytime." He said, making their way out.

Once they were inside the car, he pulled Jungkook to him.
"You're so hot there. Fuck, I'm so turned on. It's gonna be a long night baby."

Jungkook leaned closer and swiped his tongue across Seokjin's lips.
"I'm looking forward to it. The plug in my ass is getting uncomfortable now."

Seokjin looked at him wide-eyed before he grabbed his neck to initiate a long, passionate kiss. A moan escaping Jungkook's mouth feeling his tongue massaging his own.
"You're going to regret it, you menace."

He opened his mouth to say something but Seokjin stopped him.
"If you said one more word, I'll take you here in the fucking car, right now." He warned before starting the car.

Jungkook giggled and pecked his lips one more time, intertwined their hands putting them on his lap, as Seokjin started to drive.

Let's not talk about what they did after they reached home. Just know, Jungkook wasn't able to walk properly, next day.



;) Hope you like it.

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