[6] Ever, Never and the letter

Start from the beginning

Y/N really enjoyed this sight. It was really rare that this room was so full of life as it was tonight. And just to look at the many happy faces of her students was worth the effort.

Still, the young woman couldn't help but feel a little lonely with all her students who had come in company. Y/N had long since lost sight of Dovey, but she suspected that she was somewhere near Professor Anemone, since the two got along quite well.

Y/N glanced out the window. Outside, the pitch black night had settled over the land and it was hard to make out anything at all, especially with the brightly shining chandeliers above their heads, almost turning the dark night back into day. At least for all of them in here.

A soft clearing of the throat was heard and when Y/N turned around, she spotted Yuba standing behind her. She hadn't really expected him to show up either, but she was certainly happy about it, because over time she had begun to develop a friendship with the gnome, who was a little strange now and then, but still quite amiable in his own way.

"Hello Yuba, it's nice to see you here. Are you enjoying the evening too?" Y/N, who had been merely standing awkwardly on the sidelines watching one or two of the evening's couples dance, was glad to have finally found someone to talk to. Especially since she knew that celebrations like this were not really something he enjoyed. All the nicer it was that he had dared to come here.

The green-haired one merely laughed softly and nodded a bit. "Well, as much as you can enjoy an evening in a crowd of people, music and dancing." Y/N had moved a little closer to him by now and she could understand how he felt. Even though she actually liked such celebrations, at the moment she still felt more like a kind of outsider instead of someone who belonged.

"Well, I guess as far as that goes, we get along pretty well. But hey, I'm glad you showed up, I wasn't sure you were going to come. Now that Dovey's gone, it's kind of nice to have someone to turn to. Do you have something specific in mind, or are you just here to watch and enjoy the drinks and food?" A slightly mischievous smile crossed her lips.

The gnome, however, put his hands on his hips. "Oh, come now, as if I came merely for the food. No, actually, it's very fortunate that I ran into you." Y/N raised an eyebrow in surprise, then looked quite interested in what Yuba meant. "I see, and to what do I owe this honor?" she asked curiously, and suddenly Yuba seemed embarrassed. After all, Y/N didn't know him like that. "I was wondering, since I'm here, I should try to have a little fun, would you like to dance with me?" he finally came out with the language. "Just as friends of course!" he added quickly to avoid any misunderstanding.

Y/N was speechless for a moment until she found it again and smiled a little. "I didn't know you could dance Yuba, but I'd love to. Just standing on the sidelines is pretty boring in the long run." The young woman had then already ventured her way towards the dance floor. After all, it didn't mean that she could have less fun in the evening as a teacher here, even if her evening would certainly be much nicer if a completely other person were present here.

And so, in the end, Y/N stayed on the dance floor and waited until her dance partner joined her. Together they moved to the beat of the music, though her movements looked far more elegant than Yuba's, who was mainly concerned with not stepping on Y/N's toes. Something he didn't always necessarily manage to do as he would have liked. But Y/N didn't let that bother her, on the contrary, she even found it quite sweet that Yuba had asked her for this dance, even though he himself wasn't exactly one of the best dancers.

But as they danced happily together, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. Of course, here and there were the isolated glances of her students, but that was not it, rather it was a look that seemed to be permanently attached to her and that simply did not take its eyes off her.

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