Year 11: Drag King

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George's pov

My hands trembled as I cleaned my wrist. The cut had not been as deep this time. I thought about the time Darcy had caught me and chills ran down my spine. She did not deserve to see this. It was my problem, not hers to carry around.

While I was trying to gather myself together, my phone rang, nearly making me jump out of my skin. When I saw the caller ID I had no idea if I should be annoyed or really happy. Nevertheless, I picked it up.

"Hey," my voice came out as a croak and I cleared my throat. "Hey," I tried again.

"Sup lad," Kay's voice was as cheerful as ever, "Sleeping, were you?"

"Nah," I said, "I'm turning into a man."

Kay chuckled, "Well, good for you. I called to tell you I was organising a drag party this weekend."

Okay, so the thing about Kay is they know everyone. No exception. The gays, the straights, their friends, their parents and their grandparents. And every fucking one loves them, including me so... I mean, I'm not complaining.

"Yeah?" I said, "What's the plan?"

"Mom and Dad will be gone this weekend so...I will be calling over our favourite drag queens and kings, and I was wondering if you wanted to try it out too? You know it could help you escape this hell of a life for a while."

"Hmm," I weighed the options, "Will there be people who can help me out with my drag outfit and stuff?"

"Of course," they replied, "I will be there for a while and then I will pop off to Harry Green's birthday party. I will be back after two or three hours though, I'm pretty sure you can make new friends in the meantime."

This is what I meant when I said they know every fucking one.

"Ugh, I hate him," I said.

"Well, I will ruin his party for you then," they laughed.

"Sure thanks," I replied dryly.

"See ya then mate, gotta make some other calls too," they said.

"Okay," I said and they hung up the call.

How the hell they managed to organise and attend so many parties and still managed to pass their classes in school was always going to be beyond me.

I glanced around my room. It was an absolute horrendous mess and now that I was in a good spirits, I was not going to ruin my mood in this dull room, so I jumped out of bed, put on an oversized hoodie and went out to visit Tara and Darcy.

They were practically living together at this point. Darcy spent many nights sleeping over at her place and I was deeply scared that if out parents had not caught that Tara was her girlfriend yet, they were going to catch up to it soon. I was certainly not ready for any more drama.

But bringing Darcy back wasn't my mission for this outing. I just wanted to hang out with Tara's dad for a while. I wanted to tell him about the drag party I just got invited to.

Evenings with him were the best. He was the first person who had managed to get me to talk to him. It is incredibly hard for me to open up, but with 'pa' and his nice warm cup of tea, every worry just faded away.

I hopped up on the threshold and knocked the door of Tara's home. Tara opened it and it dawned on me. "Isn't your dad at home?" I asked.

"No, sorry," she said, giving me an apologetic smile, "he went out with some of his friends. You can stay over with me and Darcy though?"

"Nah," I twisted my feet against the ground, "I'm good."

"Who is it Tara?" Darcy called out from inside.

"It's just George," Tara called back. I heard footsteps approach us.

"Is everything okay?" Darcy frowned, peeping from behind the door. Darcy's fingers were curled up against the edge of the door and that's when I noticed it; they were wearing matching rings.

"Nah, I just popped in to see if Tara's dad's here," I said, feeling lonlier than before.

"Oooh," Darcy said.

"I think, I'll go," I said, turning on my heels.

"Bro wait, chill with us for a while," Darcy said, grabbing my shoulder gently, "The more the merrier." Her tone made me realise that I wasn't intruding. She really wanted me to stay.

But somehow, my mind convinced me that if I stayed I would become annoying and I just said, "Nah, imma go."

As I walked back home, every step I took just seemed to reverberate back to the same few words 'Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it.'


GEORGEEEE *cries and fan...persons? as if he is not a character I created myself*

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