Whoever took these photos had scratched out our privates but anyone can tell that we had nothing on. Someone was watching us during OUR moment together. 

I felt sick and wanted to throw up. I didn’t want to touch those pictures. That whole week has now been ruined and tainted with the thought that someone else was here.

And now, someone out there has these pictures. They can decide if they want to destroy our lives. They can destroy not only my and Michael’s lives, but Manny’s and Jack’s and anyone who is associated with us. Plus the ensuing war that could happen. Manny will not take this lightly if he finds out.

I thought back to that day at the carnival when I heard those click noises that I brushed off. It makes sense now. It wasn’t the creaking of the ride. But someone taking a picture of us. How’d they even know where we were? Was it a coincidence? 

Perhaps this person first saw us at the carnival and since then has been watching us. 

I have to tell Mike about this!  He needs to know that he’s in danger and someone knows.

Keeping this a secret was difficult during the weekend. I had to hide these pictures under the floorboard under my bed, where I also have the ring Ms. Bella gave me. When I was sleeping for the next two nights, I could feel the sinister energy the pictures let out. 

I had nightmares of people finding out. Manny kicking me out. Me getting jumped. Mike getting jumped. But all those led to us being split apart.

Mike and I did our weekly locked bathroom meetings. While I wish I could do something romantic today, we have a huge problem.

“Ant. You don’t look good. Did you eat today?” Mike asked. I started hyperventilating. I haven’t been able to really panic around anyone else because then I’ll have to explain why I’m upset. 

“Mike! Someone knows!” I let out. 

“What do you mean, someone knows? Calm down, my love!” Mike put his hands on my shoulder. While his touch made me feel better, the panic had already set in.

“Someone took pictures of us! They know we’re dating and that we had sex, Mike! I’m scared!” I sobbed into Mike’s chest. I feel selfish because Mike has to look after me and be the strong one while I just cry into him.

“Shh. It’s okay, Ant. We’ll figure something out. They’re probably trying to scare you.” Mike rubbed my back softly. Slowly my cries calmed down until it was just sniffles.

“What if they release them? I don’t even want to imagine what would happen!”

“I know one thing that won’t happen. I won’t leave you. If those pictures are released, I’ll be by your side and defend your honor, Ant. I swear to you.” He kissed my forehead.

“We need to figure out if it was a Jewel or a Saint that took these photos.” I said.

“What pictures do they have?” He asked.

“The carnival one, a Halloween one, and from my window when we had sex.” I told him. Mike pondered for a moment.

“The first two don't give us anything. Anyone could’ve followed us and taken those. But I think I have an idea of which side it might’ve been.” Mike said. 

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Think about it. Whoever took the last picture must’ve known I was gonna come over. Meaning that they must’ve known that Manuel was leaving town and you would be staying home alone.” Mike said. Then I began to piece it together.

“Right! And only a Saint could’ve known that info. Manny made an announcement to the Saints that he was leaving and I was to be staying alone. Of course. It makes sense now!”

“Which means that now you’ll have to try and see which Saint member acts suspicious. I’m sure we can trickle down to a suspect.”

“Yes! I’ll do my best. And then we’ll confront them!”

“And I’ll pay them off! Any price. I’ll give them millions to not tell anyone.” Mike’s words made me blush.

“It’s gonna be fine, right?” I asked.

“Mhm. It will, love. I’ll make sure of it.” He said. “Also, Petey knows about us.” Mike added.

“Wha- how?”

“I had to tell him. He’s my best friend.”

“Well now three people know. Dina, Petey, and Ms. Bella. We really gotta be careful from now on.” I said. Mike clutched me close to him and didn’t let me go for a while.

“Would it be wrong if I asked for a copy of those photos, just to keep them?” He asked.

“I’ll send you a copy. Just make sure no one ever sees them.”

“Only my eyes.”

Mike and I spent a while in the bathroom. No one bothered us in our heavenly paradise. I just hope our stalker doesn’t decide to do anything evil any time soon.


hey! i hope you day/night is amazing. if not, then tomorrow will. brighter days are coming. you just gotta wait.



His Saint, His Jewel ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ