Chapter 23: Where I Belong pt 2

Start from the beginning

     "I'm sorry about Cogsworth." Plumette told me sympathetically. "He means well, I assure you. He can just be a worry wart." She added. "Eh, it's fine. I'm used to that, and I kinda expected it anyways." I dismissed. "Come, let us go to the sitting room. Remus can tell me all about himself, and Roman can tell me about Virgil while we wait." Plumette decided. "Sounds like a plan." Roman agreed with a thankful smile. I nodded in agreement, deciding to just follow Roman's lead for now.

     "So, Remus, what are you doing for your birthday tomorrow?" Plumette asked. I looked at her in confusion, since Cruella never told me when my birthday was and we never celebrated it on the Isle. I then lit up in realization at the fact I now had a birthday, a day I now knew my birthday was on, because Roman's birthday is tomorrow.

     "Oh right I have a birthday now!" I cheered without really thinking, causing Plumette to look confused. "They don't celebrate birthdays in the Isle." Roman explained. Plumette looked appalled, and scoffed with a hand on her chest before giving me a look of sympathy. "You poor things. Roman you'll have to find out when the other's birthdays are when you're King. Poor dears deserve it." Plumette decided. "I guess... I don't usually celebrate my birthday, so I didn't really think much about it, but... That might change now." Roman agreed, smiling at me. "You don't celebrate your birthday?" I asked in surprise. "Not really. It's always been too much of a reminder... but, you're home now, so... I have my twin to celebrate with." Roman explained.

     "Bitch, you're making me cry." I complained, laughing a little as I wiped away my tears. If this is real... My is it bitter sweet... all these years being told I was unloveable, unwanted, too much for anyone to handle... and yet there were people across the sea that missed me so much they couldn't even enjoy their own privileges without me there...

     I just hope I don't disappoint them... Or, have to change myself in order not to.

     "Well, uh, my friends and I have decided to stay in Auradon, so we don't have to do the evil plan our parents were making us do anymore. Which is pretty cool because now that I know that my birthday's tomorrow, it would have fucking sucked to have to be forced to betray y'all's trust on my birthday." I told her. "You're staying in Auradon?" Roman asked happily. "Well I guess it's obvious that I am." I pointed out. "But yeah. I finally managed to convince them. You guys helped of course." I added.

     Should... Should I tell him about the potion?
     No... As much as I want to, that's Virgil's thing to share. Not mine.

     "That's wonderful! Tomorrow I will be King so I should be able to make living arrangements for the others before Summer." Roman cheered. "At least that's one good thing about being King..." He then murmured quietly. "Wait, what evil plan?" Plumette asked nervously. "We were gonna steal the magic wand and use it to free the Isle." I confessed, figuring there wouldn't be an issue admitting it now that we weren't doing it anymore.

     "Was that the museum robbery I heard about on the news?" Plumette gasped, looking a little frightened. "Heh... uh... yeah..." I replied nervously. "I panicked and tripped the alarm... At the time I didn't know why I did it, I thought I just wanted a longer break from my Mom, or more time to understand this place before our parents destroyed it... Now I know it was because I didn't actually want to be evil. I didn't hate Auradon as much as I tried to, I actually really liked it here, and now I love it here. I kinda just disassociated from everything I had to do on the Isle, took everything they taught me to the extreme so it wouldn't hurt me as much... but... after actually getting to know people here, after not being able to push people away, I couldn't disassociate from it anymore." I explained, feeling relief wash over me as everything that didn't make sense before clicked into place. Sure, maybe sharing this with a total stranger instead of a therapist was a bad idea, but... I think I really needed to say it.

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