Chapter 18: A R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S Pheonix

Bắt đầu từ đầu

     "When Phoenix's die, they burst into flames, and are reborn from the ashes. It's a metaphor, that sometimes when we go through something really difficult, and it feels like everything is falling apart, you can overcome it by seeing things from a new perspective." Aslov explained. "When you hit rock bottom, the only way left to go is up!" Ember cheered.

     "Huh..." I muttered, thinking over the metaphor. "I never thought about it like that before..."


Remy's POV

     I groaned as I flopped onto my bed, starting to feel guilty for ambushing Virgil like that. Maybe I should have talked to him privately... He wouldn't have listened. I reminded myself. Your point? He doesn't listen regardless. I countered.

     Before I could continue with the silent argument, or drift off to sleep after spending all night searching, the door opened. I was too tired to look up, until I heard a familiar voice murmuring to himself.

     I shot up to a sitting position, and watched as Virgil pulled out an outfit from his clothes. "Virgil!" I shouted in relief, causing Virgil to jump and look at me with a startled expression. "Sorry... just... Glad you came back." I murmured before letting out a yawn. "I... I'm sorry for what happened." I muttered before laying back down, too tired to properly hold up this conversation. "Uh... It's fine... I'll see you at the game." Virgil murmured before heading back out.

"Wait..." I called tiredly, but he had already left. "Bitch..." I muttered half heartedly. Where was he even going to change?

I drifted into sleep, probably getting at least an hour of it before there was a knock on the door.

I just groaned, too tired to answer the door. The knocking was repeated, then it was just silence.

Drifting into sleep again, I as awoken about half an hour later by the door opening again. I opened my eyes, hoping it was Virgil. Instead, Remus and Janus were here with Logan, Roman, Emile, and Patton. "Oh okay, you were just sleeping." Remus yawned before leaping onto Virgil's bed. "I suppose you didn't find him?" Janus sighed, seeming to be the only one out of the three of us that got any sleep. "No... I looked all night." I muttered before looking to the others.

"You got them to help?" I asked in confusion. "What was I supposed to do?" Janus defended. "Yeah, but..." I murmured, looking to the other four who all looked worried. Well, except Logan. "Were we not supposed to help?" Patton asked in confusion. "Of course we'd help!" Roman declared. "Yeah, but... If any of you four had found Virgil, he's not exactly in a great place, and I doubt he'd want you guys seeing him like that." I muttered before standing up.

"Besides, he came here earlier... Said he'll meet us at the game or something." I added. "Why didn't you say that?" Janus demanded. "Bitch, I'm tired." I huffed, grabbing an outfit for myself before storming off into the bathroom.

I rubbed my face before getting changed and putting on my sunglasses. "It's fine... Everything will be fine. I'll talk to Virgil at the game, we'll figure out a solution." I told my reflection. "But first, I'm not going to be able to do anything unless I have my coffee..." I added, checking the time and seeing that it was already one in the afternoon. "Great." I muttered before leaving the bathroom. Guess I have an hour to drink my coffee and get my shit together before we have to go to the game.


Virgil's POV

"Oh! It's time to go!" Ember cheered. I had come back to his dorm after getting clothes to change into, and changed in his bathroom. We were watching tv in his dorm when the clock stuck 2 and a reminder went off don his phone. "Are you wanting to go to the game?" He then asked, looking at me with a concerned expression. "Because I'm fine just staying here and hanging out." He added as I stood up. "It's fine. I want to go to the game, Remus is playing and I want to cheer him on." I assured him.

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