“WHAT!?” Ronan thundered, causing everyone to jump.

“Sit down, son. You always knew you’d be second in command. What is the problem?” Mr. Rivers demanded, his cheeks flushed with anger.

“The fact that I have to work under this prick,” He shouted pointing at Payton. “That’s my problem!”

“Look, you don’t have to throw a little bitch fit because of it!” Payton said, defending himself.

“Boys, go to the office now!” Mrs. Rivers said in a tone that was begging for someone to defy her so she could shout at them.

Ronan looked me dead in the eye before kissing Melissa hard on the mouth. I cringed; it was like lemon juice in an open wound. Payton saw what I was staring at and frowned.

“I’ll be right back.” He murmured kissing my cheek softly, before leaving.

“Well, that was eventful.” Roxie muttered under her breath.

“Now that that is taken care of, how are you adjusting to your pregnancy, Roxie?” Mrs. Rivers asked smiling.

I looked at mom, who clenched her jaw but didn’t say anything. This must have been an earlier conversation continuation.

“It’s actually really good. I’m not sick as much anymore. Phil as been absolutely three hundred percent into this. His parents,” She said shooting mom a glare, “Are fantastic and really supportive. They’re going to help us a lot.”

“That is good to hear! Now, Brynn, tell me what your new apartment looks like.” She said turning to me.

For the first time tonight Landon looked at me. I shrugged, feeling his eyes on my face. “It’s okay. I mean, we have a view of the beach and awesome game systems. But that’s about all I like about it. I mean, it’s cool that I have my freedom but ehh. It’s okay.”

Carter smiled, “I can’t wait to come over and play video games.”

I rolled my eyes, “Sure, use me to get to my video games.” I fake pouted.

“I can’t wait to see it!” Roxie said smiling.

I had all but forgotten that Melissa was sitting at the table when Ronan came back looking angrier than ever, grabbed her arm and left without another word.

I began to feel nervous about the fact that Melissa knew that Roxie was pregnant. It must have shown on my face because Roxie smiled.

“It’s gonna get out sooner or later. Let her tell the school. I don’t care.”


Payton came back into the room with a small smug smile on his face and sat next to me. I looked up at him and he just shook his head.

“I’ll tell you later.” He whispered, his warm breath caressing my ear and making me shiver. Which he felt and smirked at, causing me to blush. Why was he making me feel this way? The stupid douche.

“Who would like some desert?” Mrs. Rivers said pulling Payton and I out of our own little world.

We all agreed to have her cook’s signature chocolate truffle cake, and if you weren’t careful it could send you into chocolate shock. We didn’t stay for too much long after and I wasn’t about to let up on the opportunity to corner Landon for avoiding me.

He was already half way to his mustang when I got outside. I slipped off my shoes and ran over to him. He ignored me and opened the door. I slammed it shut, nearly missing his hand.

“What the fuck is your problem?! You could have just broken my hand!” He shouted, trying to push past me.

“My problem is the fact that you hung up on me twice! And you didn’t even look at me during dinner. And you’re being so mean to me! What the fuck is your problem!” I screamed just as loud.

“Look,” He said quietly, “I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Not after that kiss. I just can’t. It’s bad enough you have enough issues. I’m not being dragged further into your pit of insanity.”

“What kiss!?” I demanded, ignoring all of the other insults.

“I said that I thought you were pretty and you attacked me. I don’t care if you were drunk. Drunken actions are sober thoughts. I can’t even talk to you right now. I have to go.” He shoved me a little too hard and I nearly fell.

He didn’t even check to see if I was okay. He just got in his car and drove off. I can’t believe I kissed him…I kissed him and I didn’t even mean it. Sure, he was cute but if anything I loved him like a brother. So much for having such an amazing night.  Payton was waiting for me in the limo and didn’t say anything as I sat next to him silently. I refused to cry for anyone.

As soon as we got to the apartment I went to the bathroom and showered, relieving all the tension in my neck and back, letting all the stress flow from my body. By the time I was out of the shower and dressed for bed I was drained of energy.

I crawled into bed with so many thoughts on my mind that I knew I wasn’t going to sleep. My mind filled with thoughts about this stupid wedding, the merger, Landon, Roxie, and most of all Ronan. I wanted to know so bad what they discussed, but I was in no mood to get out of bed and bother Payton. And that was another thing. Why the hell was Payton bringing out all these weird feelings with me?


I know! Two uploads in one day! What is the world coming too! It's called neglect. I feel like I've neglected you all so take a gander at this! I hope you enjoy it. It came to me and I decided to roll with it. The next chapter will be what had happened in the office in Ronan's POV and probably Payton's POV too. So don't forget to comment and vote! I love hearing what you have to say! <3

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