August 2014 cont.

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picture is Alice

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My annoying alarm clock sounded throughout Sam's room the next morning. I snuggled further into Sam's chest, attempting to forget that Jamie will be here soon for us to leave. I propped my head on my elbow, taking Sam's features in. His slightly flushed face, defined eyebrows, full lips. The acne scaring lining his jaw that he despised. How his still sweaty chest slowly rose and fell.

"Good morning beautiful, did you stare at me long enough?" Sam whispered, lovingly stroking my cheek with a smile on his lips.

"Morning my love, and yes I got my fill for the morning," I giggled as I stretched my sore limbs.

"When are you guys leaving?" he questioned.

"In about an hour, we slept in pretty late," I said as I hopped out of bed to make coffee.

"I needed to rest after our...activities last night," he smiled after joining me in the kitchen.

Sam wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder as he watched me make our coffee. He kissed all over my neck, nipping here and there. It was moments like these I would miss the most.

Most of my belongings were already at our apartment in Atlanta, leaving little behind at Sam's. For the majority of our time he was helping me pack up whatever I needed and carrying it to the porch. When we finally finished we sat on his couch, me in his lap. My thumb slowly traced the stubble that lined his jaw. He lightly kissed around the hand that was placed on his cheek.

"I never knew it was possible to have so much love for someone," Sam thought out loud.

"I love you too Sammy," I whispered before planting my lips on his. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I eagerly accepted. Our tongues danced as my arms wrapped around his shoulders. He pulled back for air, resting his forehead on my own. Biting my bottom lip, I stared into his glimmering blue eyes. I squealed when I felt his teeth on my bottom lip, biting it.

I jumped from the loud honk that sounded from outside, causing us to bonk heads.

"A-are you okay?" I asked between laughs. He looked up, also laughing, and nodded.

"Come on I'll walk you out," he said extending his hand, which I gladly took.

Grayson's car was waiting in front of Sam's house, Jamie excitedly waving from the window. Sam quickly pulled me into a tight embrace, his warm tears hitting the back of my neck.

"I'll call you when we get there," I said before erupting in tears.

He slightly pulled back, our teary eyes meeting. Sam kissed my salty tears away before pulling me back into his arms.

"Please call me whenever you can, don't forget about me," Sam pleaded.

"I could never forget about you babe."

Sam helped me carry the few boxes I had to the trunk. I easily could have done the task myself, but I knew he wanted to spend every last second with me before I got in the car and drove off. I couldn't blame him, I was feeling the same way.

Sam kissed me one last time before closing the door and moving back a bit. He waved as Grayson backed up, tears still streaming down his face. I pressed my palm to the window and waved until he was out of sight.

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