September 2013

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picture is Alice

The rest of the summer Sam and I grew apart. I avoided talking to him unless it was absolutely necessary, though he tried countless times to get me to talk to him. Each day I received a new text and call from him, but I of course ignored them.

My family still treated him like he was part of the family, so he was often still around. The days he came over I would go to Cade's house, or make an excuse to stay in my room.

Today was the day I had been dreading for weeks, the first day of school. I usually didn't mind school, but this year I had a particular asshole named Sam Canter as my English teacher.

"Do you want a ride to school?" Sam asked as I rushed out of the door. My parents leave for work way before we have to get up for school, and I slept through my alarm clock. Lauren and Matt, being the wonderful siblings they were, chose to let me sleep through the time I set aside to get ready.

"I'd rather walk," I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"Come on Alice, you'll be late on your first day back," he pushed on.

I nodded after checking the time, realizing I would be at least fifteen minutes late if I were to walk. Silently, I slid into his four door Sedan. The car ride to school was deathly silent.

As I began to exit the car, he reached across me to close the door and lock it.

"Listen this does not change the way I feel about you. I know you probably don't feel the same, which is honestly for the better seeing I'm now your teacher," he sighed looking into my eyes.

I wanted nothing more than for me to be his, though he was older than me and my teacher. Nothing could happen, no matter how much either of us wanted it. Sam was nine years older than me, and I was a minor. He worked so hard to obtain this teaching job, and I did not want him to end up in jail.

"Sa-Mr. Canter you know we can't do anything," I said while slightly shaking my head.

In response he smashed his lips to mine, his warm minty breath sending chills down my spine. After all this time he still never failed to cause my stomach to erupt in butterflies. I climbed over the console onto his lips and straddled him, never breaking the kiss. My fingers found their way to his gelled hair, most likely ruining the work he put into it. His hands gently glided around my back as he held me close.

We only stopped when we heard a car pulling into the teachers side of the parking lot. I quickly averted to my seat, fixing my smeared lip gloss and disheveled shirt.

"I'm sorry that was a mistake, I just wanted to do that once more," he sighed as he fixed his appearance, before quickly getting out of the car. His words weighed heavy on my shoulders as I entered the building. Mistake?

I found my way to my first period class, meeting some friends that had the class as well. The period, to my dismay, ending rather quickly. I inwardly groaned as I saw Sam sitting in an office chair behind a large wooden desk.

"Hello class," he started, his breath hitching a bit in his throat as he saw me, "take your seats."

Amanda, the popular yet rude superficial bitch stereotype, shot her hand up.

"Yes Miss...Green?" Sam stated, fumbling with his role sheet to find out her name.

"Are you single?" she asked with a flirtatious smile.

"Highly inappropriate question, but yes I am single, he replied with an uncomfortable smile. "Miss Green actually started the lesson plan for today, which is getting to know each other. Cheesy but beneficial," he smiled. God why did he have to be so damn cute, "Appropriately ask away."

"How old are you?" one of Amanda's bitch clan members, Danielle, asked.

"Much other than you," he stated, obviously annoyed that she was not following the rule on appropriately asking.

"Oh come on, you can't be that much older," she winked.

"Fine, I'm twenty six."

"See, only nine years older. Better than the other old farts that teach here," she said gaining laughs from everyone but me and a few others.

After the rest of the obnoxious questions, the bell rang and I raced to the door. Unfortunately, I was stopped by Sam.

"How may I help you Mr. Canter?" I spat.

"I understand why your upset about me not coming home, but me being your teacher is something I don't have much control over."

"You have control of which school you apply for, why this school? You knew I go here and you would had a chance of becoming my teacher, so why here?" I asked. I had a free period and Sam did not have a class this period, so I didn't have to worry about being late.

"There are limited teaching positions in this town. Trust me I applied to every school, but I'm extremely lucky I landed this one. You never really answered my question though, why are you so upset I am your teacher?"

"I'm upset because I'm in love with you Sam. You being my teacher makes everything ten times more wrong than it already is," I boldly shouted, not loud enough for others outside to hear though. This was new for me, considering I wrote my feelings down rather than speaking them.

"Your in love with me?" he asked, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Does it even matter at this point," I stated as my eyes became glassy.

"Yes, Alice you never tell anyone how you feel and now your saying you love me!"

"It's illegal to love you though, and I know you don't feel the same about me. Plus, I have a boyfriend!" I cried out.

"Have you not been listening to me? I have expressed my feelings toward you countless time since I got home, you just ignored me all summer," he stated, stroking my cheek as he spoke. I shivered at the contact under his large, warm hand.

His eyes met mine , just inches away, My breathing was staggered and labored as his hands made their way to my hips, grasping me tightly.

Sam's warm breath hovered over my lips, and I shut my eyes as he leaned in. However, his addicting scent and gentle touch drifted away when a knock sounded at the door.

"Hello Ms. Doiley, what can I do for you?" Sam asked in an extremely polite voice.

"Just came to make sure our newest teacher settled in nicely, sorry to bother you," she said as she smiled her dazzling white smile. Ms. Doiley was also a younger teacher, a little older than Sam. Though she was an art teacher, so how she already knew Sam was beyond me.

"Not a problem, and thank you I settled in just fine," Sam stated, returning the smile. After thanking him for a non-existent worksheet, I exited the room, no longer wishing to see the two of them flirting.


"You mom asked me if I could give you a ride," Sam said as he packed his messenger bag. He texted me to meet him in his room after school, and I was strangely hoping it was for a much different reason. I reluctantly nodded, before following him out to his car.

I followed far behind Sam, distancing myself from him.

"Alice, you don't have to pretend your not with me, there is no one here," he chuckled as he turned around and walked backward to look at me.

"I would enjoy to stay as far away from you as possible please," I huffed.

"God, your just as stubborn as you were when I left," he smiled, laughing through his nose.

"Maybe if you hadn't left for so long you wouldn't have forgotten what I was like," I bit out.

"Let's not do this now," he sighed, shaking his head.

I silently groaned as I entered the car avoiding his gaze. The minute he started the car, I turned the music on and ignored him the whole way home.

Authors note: very long chapter for you guys!! I hope you enjoyed. Comment any revisions, suggestions, or questions you have. Thanks!!

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