May 2014 cont.

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picture is Alice

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I fluffed my curls once more as Jamie and I examined ourselves in her full length mirror.

"Ready to graduate Crestwood High?" she asked, linking arms with me as we made our way to her car.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I chuckled. Similarly to the past few days, my thoughts drifted to Sam as we pulled up to the building. We had hardly talked, except for the few minutes after class yesterday.

"Don't let him ruin your big day," Jamie lightly smiled, knowing exactly what was running about my mind.

"It's just hard to think of our position at the moment, I mean just last month we were this perfectly happy couple. And now..."

"While you were out the guys and I were visiting you, and like everyday Sam was there. I totally went off on him, but he once again proved his love for you."

"I just don't understand why he said all those terrible things," I said, still utterly confused.

"In his mind I suppose it made sense. If you hated him and stayed away, it would be better for the both of you. Who knows though, he's a guy," she chuckled.

"You should be a councilor or something after we graduate," I smiled, lightning the mood. She returned the smile before once again linking arms with me as we made our way to the gym.

"I'm assuming that fancy charm bracelet is from a special teacher?"

"Yeah, he gave it to me yesterday. I didn't really want to take it, but here I am wearing it," I shrugged.

"Ladies, you look gorgeous as always," Ryder complimented as he handed us waters.

"Bro back off Jams," Grayson growled.

"Woah there, very possessive as always G. At least that won't change after graduation," I joked before sipping my water.

"Oh like your forty year old boyfriend doesn't shadow your every move," he shot back.

"Damn what's up your ass today?" Ryder scoffed.

"Sam isn't forty, and we aren't even dating anymore," I bit out angrily. What the hell was wrong with him?

"Take it easy guys, he's just upset that we are going to be so far apart for college," Jamie commented sadly.

"Calm down Grayson, I'm going to the seats," I replied. My journey to the seats was interrupted by a firm chest. I looked up to meet Sam's gorgeous blue eyes.

"If I remember correctly, last time you ran into me you were in an awful accident," he joked before knocking three times on the wooden door next to us.

"Yeah you remembered correctly," I briefly smiled.

"It's good to see the thing is getting some use," he said, grabbing my wrist and running his thumb over the charm bracelet.

"You really shouldn't have bought it for me, but thanks anyways."

"You're very welcome. You haven't answered any of my texts or calls, have you lost that phone of yours?"

"No, I just don't wish to speak to assholes that break my heart."

"I want to fix things, to talk about it. Alice I lo-" Sam began, however he was interrupted by principal Johnson clearing his throat into the microphone.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. If you would please take your seats, we will begin the ceremony momentarily."

I watched will a proud smile as Jamie, Ryder, and Liam received their diplomas. Damn my ancestors for having the last name Owens.

After what seemed like a lifetime, my name was called, "Alice Owens."

I cautiously walked up the stage, careful not to trip in my heels. Gratefully, I took my diploma and began to shake the hands of my now former teachers. Sam was last to shake my hand, holding it for a moment too long.

Instead of walking back to my seat, I stood by the corner of the stage as I was instructed to do. Principle Johnson had asked me if I wished to give a speech, which I of course agreed to. After all of the names were called and diplomas were handed out, I was announced by the principal.

"Thank you principle Johnson. I just want to express the immense amount of pride I hold for my classmates. We have all been together since freshman year, possibly longer before. I have learned so much these past four years, beyond the curriculum. That is what makes our school so precious, the teachers and staff personally guide each and every student to be the best they can possibly be. Over the years various teachers have shared their words of wisdom such as 'Don't make a scene,' 'Pick and choose your battle,' and my favourite from Mr. Ron, 'Under no circumstance should you ask a woman if she is pregnant,,'" I paused for a moment as the crows erupted in laughter.

"I don't want to make this too much longer, I'm guessing most of us have after parties to get ready for. I wish you all good luck with whatever you end up doing once we walk out of those metal doors of our school that welcomed us all those years ago. Thank you all for the memories created here that will never be forgotten." As I ended my speech everyone broke into cheering, and some tears were even flowing.

"That was an amazing speech," Jamie giggled before hugging me tightly.

"We did it!" I excitedly whispered.

"I think someone else wants to congratulate you," Ryder said before moving aside so Sam could make his way to me.

"Um hey," I awkwardly smiled, moving the tassel of my cap out of my eyes.

"I am so proud of you Alice, your speech was great," Sam praised enthusiastically, pulling me into his arms. I glanced over to see my friends had run off to take pictures. After realizing we were on the stage where many people were eyeing us, I pulled away.

"Thanks," I whispered, biting my lip as I stared at my shoes.

"Hey look at me," he firmly stated as he gently lifted my chin so I would meet his eyes. "We don't have to hide us anymore."

"What us Sam?"

"Don't say that, I have told you countless times I meant nothing I said that day," he said softly. I remained silent, tired of having the same conversation over and over again. Gently, he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. I nearly melted into a puddle under his touch.

Before I could respond, his lips were on mine. For a moment I was unresponsive, but soon after my arms were tightly wrapped around his neck. Oh how I missed those sweet lips, and silky hair.

"I graduated not twenty minutes ago and I'm already kissing my formal teacher, that's not suspicious at all," I joked, my lips still on his.

"You really are a bad girl Miss Owens," he smiled as my lips hovered over his stubled jaw, not making contact though.

"Punish me then," I whispered in his ear before kissing around it. I heard him inhale sharply and he tightened his grasp on my hips.

"What is the meaning of this!" a voice shouted from behind me.

"Principal Johnson," I gasped. Could Sam still get in trouble? My head felt like it was about to explode and I nearly fainted, but Sam grasped my arm and pulled me out of the auditorium. We ran to the football field at the back of school.

"I can not believe we just that!" I giggled out of breath.

"You better believe it baby. I just hope that doesn't affect me next year."

"I love you," I smiled. It felt completely right to say after so long.

"I love you more."

The Girl Next door (Student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now