February 2014 cont.

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picture is sam

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I stood alone by the punch table as I gazed the Valentine themed gym. Couples of all sorts danced in the middle, dancing to the little-known band blasting from the stage. I caught the lead singer's eye as he sang on, causing a blush to fall on my cheeks. Above the stage a banner read: 5 Seconds of Summer, the band name I presummed.

"Hey there," Liam called as he came to stand next to me.

"Hey chummy," I smiled, using an old nickname I had for him when we were kids, "Didn't you come here with someone?"

"No my date is already here," he vaugely stated.

"Who is it?"

"You," he smirked.

"Me? Liam..." I began, however he cut me off.

"I know, your with Canter. But he's chaperoning this dance and you're standing here alone," Liam briefly explained before pulling me onto the dance floor.

The band played a slow song, and Liam wrapped his arms around my waist. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder, as we swayed to the song.

"You look beautiful tonight by the way," he whispered in my ear.

"You don't look too shabby either chummy," I said into his shoulder.

"You haven't called me that in forever," he chuckled before pulling back a bit to meet my eyes. Something in his soft eyes changed and they darkened with what seemed to be lust. Lust?

He shut his eyes and leaned in, however I pulled away from him. Why the hell would he try to kiss me?

"I'm sorry Alice, I have no idea what came over me," he gasped, his eyes now big.

"I don't want to dance anymore," I stated quickly before running off the dance floor. What else was I supposed to do, one of my bestfriends just attempted to kiss me. On my way off the dance floor, I ran into a tall figure. Keep your damn eyes up when you're walking, Alice.

"Woah there, sorry pretty lady," a British-no an Austalian voice apologized. I looked up to meet the eyes of the lead singer of the band that I had seen earlier. I whipped my head to the stage to see they were taking a break.

"You go to school here?" he questioned, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, uh, do you live around here?"

"No, our band is traveling some schools in America, we live in Australia," he stated as he leaned against a table.

"That's cool. I just got here a bit ago, but what I heard of your music was really good," I smiled causing him to bite his lip wihch held a black lip ring.

"i'm Luke, what's your name?"


"So Alice do you by chance have a boyfriend?" Luke asked, fidling with a hole in his black tank.

"Yes, I do. Why?" I asked curiously. Was this hot musician seriously into me?

"Bummer, here pass me your phone," he stated, holding his hand out. I unlocked my phone and placed it in his large hand.

He clicked on it for a few moments before handing it back, "I put my number in there, I'll let you know when the boys and I are in the area again," he smiled. Three more tall boys with ripped jeans came over to join Luke.

"Hate to break this up, but we go back on in five," one of the boys, who held drumsticks, stated.

"Guys this is Alice," Luke introduced, pointing to me.

"I'm Michael," one excitedly waved. His hair was firetruck red, mixed with sweat from playing.

"Hey, I'm Ashton," the one with the drumsticks smiled.

"Calum," the last one nodded, looking up from tuning his guitar.

"Can we get a picture with you?" Ashton asked, moving his curly hair from his eyes.

"You want a picture with me?" I questioned in disbelif, "No, can I have a picture with you guys. Your music is great!"

"I'll take the picture," a husky voice, that I knew all too well, offered. I turned around and saw Sam, looking handsome as always in his suit. I handed him my phone and the boys rushed to wrap their arms around me.

"We have to go back and play, nice meeting you Alice!" Michael screamed over his shoulder as he ran to the stage.

"Text me the picture," Luke whisered, kissing my cheek before running back to the stage.

"You seem to be a hit tonight, first Liam now those boys," Sam commented as he collected punch into a cup.

"You saw what happened with Liam?" I questioned. I had tried to look for Sam before Liam even arrived, but never saw him.

"Did you not want me to?"

"No, I just didn't see you before I agreed to dance with him."

"So you didn't want me to see anything," he conculuded.

"Alright, pause. Did I do something to tick you off or something," I asked while placing my hand on his, but he quickly jerked it away as we were in school. I'm going to get us caught if I don't keep aware of our surrounding more carfully.

"No, it's not you. It's all these damn boys trying to get to you," he sighed, finally turning to meet my gaze.

"I told both of those boys I was taken by a man," I whispered with pleading eyes.'

"I know you told Liam about me being a man, but the band boy?" he semi-joked around.

"I was kidding, but they both knew I was unavailable."

"I know," he lightly smiled, "meet me in my classroom at eleven."

I danced with Jamie a bit, who surprised me by coming with Grayson. Things between Grayson and I were still rough, he hardly talked to me the whole night.

"You should probably head off to your prince," Jamie giggled as she showed me the time on her phone.

Before entering Sam's classroom, I quickly combed through my hair and straightened my dress. Since I had last seen him, he had removed is suit jacket and his tie now hung loosely from his neck.

"Hey gorgeous," Sam greeting with a peck on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

We lightly swayed to a random tune he hummed, stopping to plant kisses on one another from time to time. He abruptly stopped moving and gently pulled away.

'What's wrong?" I asked, scrunching my eyebrows.

"Nothing, everything is perfect."

"Babe are you okay? You're kind of scaring me," I joked. He swiftly pulled a suade black box from his slacks, running his thumb over the fabric.

"Sam..." I trailed off as I caught a glimpse of the box.

"Don't worry it's not a wedding ring-yet," he winked before revealing a gorgeous heart shaped lockett.

"Sammy..." I trailed off once again, but a completely different reason this time.

"Go ahead, open it," he chuckled. I slowly unlocked the precious piece of jewelry. On the left side, "I love you forever" was engraved into the silver. And on the right side, was a picture of him and I.

"It's so pretty," I shrieked, pulling him close to me again.

"I'm assuming you like it," he laughed through his nose. biting his lip.

"I love it, almost as much as I love you."

"I love you too, Happy Valentines Day," he smirked before kissing me hard.

The Girl Next door (Student/teacher)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora