November 2008

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Throughout the remainder of the summer Sam and I spent a great deal of time together. He introduced me to all sorts of new books and some became my favourites. We even began our own book club between the two of us. We read loads of books each week, and discussed each chapter. Sometimes he would even read to me, even though I knew very well how to read on my own.

My parents, twin brother, and little sister took him in as if he were part of our family. To me, Sam was more of a best friend. He came to dinner at our house every Wednesday and after we would all watch a movie.

When school started for the both of us, we continued to spend most of our days together. Sam even helped my friends and I on our English essays and analyze our school books. My friend Jamie adored him and even thought he was "super hot."

The year was quickly passing and Thanksgiving was nearing. For whatever reason Sam did not speak to his family anymore, so he spent the holiday with mine. I was extremely excited to see him that day because he had hardly been around the past couple weeks.

"Sammy!" I screeched as I jumped up from where I was anxiously awaiting to the door.

"Hey Al Pal," he chuckled as I clung my arms around his waist.

After we got settled around the table and said prayers, he told us he had big news.

"I have a girlfriend, her name is Julie. I wanted to wait a bit to make sure it was real before I told you guys," he stated with joy, his smile never dropping.

I on the other hand was not as excited as everyone else. Him having a girlfriend meant I could not go next door as much. It felt as if I was being cheated on, even though I was eleven and Sam and I were not together like that in any way.

"I'm glad your meeting new people in the town besides us," my mom smiled.

"Alice aren't you happy for Sam?" my father asked breaking me from my thoughts.

I kept my head down for a while and played with my turkey before speaking, "Yeah sure, I'm happy." After a pregnant pause and a few glances, dinner continued with small talk.


"Alice are you upset that I have a girlfriend?" Sam asked when we were alone after dinner.

"It's selfish of me, but I don't want to share you or you to talk about novels with someone else. You having a girlfriend means I can't come over when I please," I sighed moving further away from him.

"Kid, Julie is not moving in with me," he laughed as he moved down the leather couch to me so our shoulders were touching.

"You have barely been around these past two weeks. Her not living with you means nothing," I huffed. I had never felt emotions like these coursing through my body, I felt...jealous.

"I have just been busy with school," he stated.

"Speaking of school I have homework, you know your way out," I said before storming off.

The Girl Next door (Student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now