February 2014

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picture is Ryder Hughes

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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"So who are you going to the Valentines dance with?" Ryder asked as he casually leaned against the locker next to mine.

"I don't think I'm going, why?" I questioned as we walked to English together.

"What do you mean your not going, you have to go!" he squealed in a way that reminded me of Jamie.

"Well I don't have anyone to go with." It wasn't totally a lie, I couldn't go with Sam. I wanted to tell my friends about my secret boyfriend, but I wasn't sure how to approach the situation. Sam smiled at me as I walked into the classroom and took my seat.

"Why not go with me?" he said, his playfulness fading. I could feel Sam's eyes on us, as he had heard our conversation.

"Well you never really asked me to, and my boyfriend-"

"Wait, your boyfriend?" he cut me off with a confused glare. Curse my mouth for not shutting up.

"I wanted to tell you guys I just didn't-"

"Who is it?" Ryder growled, interrupting me yet again.

"I can't tell you..."

"You can't tell me?" he questioned loudly as the bell rang for the start of class.

"I'm sorry, look meet me in the courtyard during free period and I'll explain everything." Ryder's angry facade softened a bit as he silently agreed. Sam cocked an eyebrow at me, but I ignored it and stared out the window.

"Miss Owens could you stay behind for a moment?" asked me over the bell.

"What's up?" I asked, setting my hand on top of his.

"You can go to the dance with Ryder if you want, I wish I could take you thought," he sighed, looking only at our intertwined hands.

"Don't be upset about it babe, I wish we could go together too," I said before quickly pecking his lips, "I would love to stay, but I promised to meet Ryder ion the courtyard," I stated while I grabbed my bag.

"Call me when you're done and we can have dinner at mine?" he asked, meeting me at the door. I nodded, once again pecking his lips before running out.

I took a deep breath as I approached Ryder, Jamie, Grayson, and Liam. I had texted them all to meet me there, so I wasn't keeping secrets from any of my closest friends.

"Al Pal, where the hell have you been?" Liam shouted excitedly as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Seriously, little one has disappeared," Grayson chuckled before engulfing me in a hug. Cade didn't really hang around anymore, seeing as he was never really part of our friend group. He only hung around us because we dated.

"So why'd you ask us here?" Ryder asked, clearly annoyed with me.

"I have to tell you all something important. Jamie knew, but don't blame her because I swore her to secrecy," I began.

"It's okay, you know you can tell us anything," Grayson smiled as he wrapped an arm around me.

"Obviously you know how we have all known Mr. Canter since we were little, but I was always closest as he was my neighbor," I stated just like I had when I told Jamie. The boys nodded and I continued, "Well recently him and I have gotten much much closer, and well he's kind of my boyfriend.

"Kind of?" Ryder questioned.

"Well no, not kind of. Sam Canter is my boyfriend," I restated.

"I cannot say I'm surprised," Liam chuckled, ruffling my hair after a moment of silence.

"This is completely wrong, you do know being with him is illegal!" Ryder shouted.

"Ry, I can't help how I feel! We didn't mean for any of this to happen, it just did," I said as tears began to form in my eyes.

"She loves him, I can see it. And I can say he truly loves her too," Jamie stated, trying to calm Ryder. I sent her a grateful smile, which she returned.

Grayson dropped his arm from where it was loosely draped around my shoulders.

"Not you too Gray," I pleaded, raising my eyebrows in surprise.

"I don't know, Alice, it seems weird," Grayson whispered, avoiding my gaze.

"Are Jamie and Liam the only ones that are going to support me?" I shouted at Grayson and Ryder. Liam rushed to my side, taking my hand in his.

"Guys come on, she's obviously happy with him. He's no stranger either, Mr. Canter used to practically write our papers when we were younger," Liam tried to reason with the boys.

"I don't know man, he's a lot older than you Al," Grayson stated, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"You are not one to talk G! You haven't dated a girl your age since middle school," Jamie shouted at Grayson.

"Girls that are five years older tops, not ten years older. Besides, I'm a guy an older woman I date won't hurt me. Canter on the other hand though..." Grayson countered.

"I have to agree with Gray here, and you're a minor," Ryder stated, still angry but definitely more calm.

"You two are acting dangerously similar to my parents, and we know I'm perfectly fine with the two I already have," I shouted before storming off, Liam and Jamie following suit. "Look guys, thank you so much for backing me up and supporting me. I love you both to death, but I just really need to be alone at the moment."

"Understood, go talk too that boyfriend of yours. Call me later and we will come over," Jamie said before pulling me into a hug. She passed me to Liam's arms, who tightly pulled me to his chest.

I took Jamie's advice and ran to Sam's room, thankful the free period hadn't ended just yet.

"Babe what's wrong?" Sam asked concerned, he know me too well to not know something was up.

"I know we didn't agree on this, but I told my friends about us. I was just tired of lying, and I let it slip that I have a boyfriend to Ryder. Grayson and Ryder freaked out on me, saying your too old," I cried into his chest, most likely dampening it with my tears. I hated being in this vulnerable state, but I hated having my bestfriends upset with me even more.

"They will come around eventually, and if they don't they aren't true friends," he cooed, gently stroking my back.

"I love you so much," I whispered before crashing my lips onto his, not caring that we were in school.

Part two of "February 2013" will be the next chapter.

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