April 2014 cont.

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picture is Alice

Since the April section of this was so long, I'm breaking it up a bit. Be on the lookout for another "April 2014 cont"

Thanks for reading!

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It was my birthday weekend and I was extremely excited. On Sunday I would finally be eighteen, a legal adult. My relationship with Sam would still be extremely risky. He could loose his job and I could get expelled, which would jeopardize everything we both have worked hard for. Also, if anyone who knew about us were to report that we were together when I was a minor, he would go to jail. Even though the stakes were high, I loved him beyond belief and would do everything for him.

Somehow Sam had convinced my parents to allow him to take me to Pittsburgh for the weekend. It was about a four hour drive from Crestwood, and the city was beautiful.

"Mom I'm headed to Sam's," I shouted from the living room as I reached for my bags.

"Come here my little adult," my mom cried before pulling me into a hug. That's my over dramatic mother for you.

"I'm still not sure about my little girl going out of the city with Sam," my dad sighed.

"Unfortunately, she's not a little girl anymore," my mom said, stroking my hair.

"Hey, my birthday is Sunday too!" Matt shouted.

"Happy birthday big brother of a few minutes," I chuckled before jumping on his back.

"Jeez you're old mom and dad," Lauren joked.

"Very funny. At least we still have our baby Lauren," my mom squealed, knowing Lauren hated being called a baby.

"Alright lovely family I better get going."

"If Sammy hurts you call me and I'll drive down there and kick his pretty face in," Matt growled, laughing after.

"Will do. Bye guys love you," I called as I walked out. I was about an hour early, but I was hoping we could grab coffee before we left. I dug in my purse for the key he gave me and unlocked the door, setting my bags down.

"Babe?" I shouted through the house. When I got no response I walked further into the house and heard shouting. I ran to his room, which was the source of the yelling, and pushed the door open.

"Cade?" I squealed. Cade and Sam turned around and widened their eyes at the sight of me.

"Hey baby, you weren't supposed to be here for another hour," Sam said nervously.

"Surprise! I texted you a half hour ago, but you were clearly busy," I bit out, still utterly confused.

"Sorry I must have left my phone downstairs."

"Someone better tell me what the hell is going on here, right now!" I shouted.

"Big brother care to explain?" Cade nudged Sam toward me.

"Big brother?" I questioned.

"Big half-brother," Sam corrected, "I moved away from him and my mother and came here."

"Wow thanks. Makes me feel great," Cade stated sarcastically.

"Can I talk to her alone?" Sam ordered more than asked. Though Cade shook his head and rolled his eyes, he walked out of the room.

"You're his half-brother?" I asked, sitting on his bed.

"When my dad left, my mom turned to alcohol. I was about eight, and she would just leave at random times and come home hours later," Sam sighed, sitting next to me.

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