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Pandora yelped as she was grabbed and shoved to the side; the bullet narrowly missing her head. She landed with a grunt on the floor, her body instinctly curling into itself defensively. Hands came up around her head and she tucked her quivering chin into her chest.

A warm body pressed close to her, their chest pressed into her back, their hands also gripping her's. She knew instantly who it was.

Bentley King hovered, pressing her into him as he shielded her body with his. He gripped her tightly, breathing roughly as his heart beat faster than ever. He could hear a ringing in his ears from the gun going off so close and he felt his head spin although his eyes were screwed shut in an attempt to subdue the rollercoaster in his head.

Sophianna growled in frustration as the bullet carved into the wooden bookshelf instead of into its mark, but before she act on another instinct, she was tackled to the ground.

Hendrix and Laken pounced on her, sending her colliding with the floor. She cursed out loud as she realised that she had lost her focus and taken her eyes off them at the last second.

For just a moment, all Pandora could feel was the crazy thump of Bentley's heart and hear his laboured breath.

But then he was up and pulling her beside him within a couple seconds. As Bentley checked her over quickly before leaving her to go help the others, Pandora stood stiff - her eyes finding the gun that lay lifeless on the floor, flung to the side.

I guess you could say that Pandora had wanted the bullet to hit her. But then Bentley had intervened and she was left still standing.

Her fingers shock and her body shivered although she wasn't cold. Goosebumps rose along her arms and her eyes hurt from a harsh pressure behind her eyes whilst her throat felt like sandpaper.

Her mind was trying to make her do things that she knew she didn't actually want to do.

But then she registered the sound of her friends struggling to hold Sophianna down and she snapped back into reality ; she knew she had to help them. She couldn't do something when her friends were trying to protect her.

Pandora stepped up just as Sophianna lifted her leg and jerked her knee into Hendrix's crotch. He gasped, falling to the floor, dramatically wailing. "Ow, ow, ow!! Help me-I'm dying! Ow! What the fuck!?" He screamed, laying on the floor as he held his privates.

Laken let out a stifled laugh and lost sight of Sophianna for just one moment. And that was all she needed to do the same to him. She twisted his arm and did the exact same which sent Laken staggering back with a pained expression. Hendrix's face had been screwed up in pain but he opened one eye to look at Laken who mirror his expression.

Sophianna spun around, moving to attack Bentley who lunged, grabbing her hands in a lock. He twisted her hands and she let out a shriek at the sharpness blooming up her wrist but she kicked out with her legs that met his stomach, sending him back with a grunt of surprise.

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