Chapter 259. Abyssal Abomination.

Comenzar desde el principio

Electricity rushed up her legs as she pushed forward, making the snowy land under her explode. Like a white and yellow blur, her giant figure zoomed toward the ritual area.

The last four wolves that weren't doing the ritual got in Sierra's way. They were the strongest of the pack besides the alpha, all of them having eight red markings.

Those markings glowed, and their bodies became bulkier, increasing their strength manifold. It was clear that it was some kind of berserk skill as the sanity from their eyes disappeared as they growled and jumped toward Sierra.

The Wolf Queen's eyes looked cold as she didn't slow down. The yellow electric arcs around her thickened and covered the front of her body.

Both groups collided.

Like a beast ramming a mortal, Sierra tackled the wolves with terrible strength. The enormous body of the white female wolf was like an avalanche, unstoppable, as she sent the four wolves flying.

The alpha didn't expect Sierra's strength to have increased so much! He was sure that they would be able to exchange some moves with Sierra using their trump card, but the Wolf Queen had exceeded his expectations.

Still, he didn't completely miscalculate, as the four wolves were still alive. However, Sierra's tackle was so strong that by the time they recovered enough to fight, Sierra would have been able to reach the ritual.

In short, the other four wolves couldn't finish the ritual before Sierra arrived, surrounded by powerful yellow lightning and murderous eyes.

All the slights she had received were about to be paid with the blood of the offenders!...

Or so she thought.


A red vortex shot up from the unfinished ritual, making the four wolves begin to literally melt as they howled from agonizing pain.

The energy emissions were so high that Sierra got forcefully stopped and could approach!

She frowned and charged a powerful attack, sending a rain of lightning bolts that would send a chill down anyone's spine toward that place. However, even her attacks were repelled.

The leader managed to roar with rage as its body terrifyingly melted, "I've sacrificed myself to finish the ritual! I knew I would lose the moment you killed the first wolf, so I'm going to leave you a present you won't forget!"

However, a cheeky voice answered him, "You wish~."

The wolves that hadn't paid attention to the human because she looked insignificant beside Sierra turned their attention toward her at that moment.

Evelyn didn't want to move at first because she wanted Sierra to take revenge for herself, but the ritual they were doing was way too dangerous.

Even if Evelyn didn't understand formations and similar things, she knew some things, as Angel loved speaking about interesting and unknown formation lines with them.

Evelyn would always listen to her because she liked seeing Angel's enthusiasm when explaining these things, and also taught her a lot.

Of course, this ritual wasn't one of them. Coincidences like that would be too good to be true.

Nonetheless, some parts she had observed during Sierra's fight had a resemblance to an abyssal creature summoning Angel had shown her before. The moment the red vortex appeared, Evelyn knew Sierra would be unable to do anything against it, so she took action.

Evelyn took out a [Formation disrupting] stone, a rock with white formation lines engraved into it, gifted to her by Tatyana. Then, she threw it to where she thought the formation's core was. However, Evelyn's eyes had a hidden pain as this stone was extremely precious, and she didn't have many of them. 'I hope it truly is similar to that one, or I will bang my head with tofu until it is swollen. I pray to Heavens- No, I need something more powerful! I pray to Yasenia's Heavenly Tits for it to be like that!'

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