"Babe? Are you alright?"

"Fuck." She said under her breath as she dabbed at her eyes, "yes I'm fine. Did you forget something?"

"You're crying, you're not fine."

"Babe seriously, I promise I'm okay. The tears are just flowing and I can't really control them, but I swear there's no emotion or anything causing them." She brushed me off.

"Are you sure? Because I do not have to go to this wedding at all. I can send Nic in my place."

"No. I want you to go to the wedding. I'll be here, I'll be fine." She shook her head.

I sighed as I grabbed my phone, "if you insist." I hugged her and held her in my arms for a bit. When I pulled away I pecked her lips, "I'll put the tea pot on on my way out alright? And theres some cookies down there still, the ones Nic brought over yesterday."

"Thank you." She nodded.

"Do not hesitate to text me if you need anything." I told her as I walked out the door, "I love you!"

"I love you too." She called out.

I walked downstairs and put some water in the tea pot and turned it on to boil.

"Another wedding?" Kennedy asked.

"You scared me!" I giggled. "Yes, I'm heading out. Do me a favor, when the tea pot whistles-"

"Go get NeeNee." She finished my sentence with a stern nod.

"Smart girl." I smiled before reaching for the cookie jar, "here, have some of these but save some for Anita okay? If OJ and Zoe ask, there's more cookies in the other jar okay? Don't eat too many though, you'll make yourself sick."

"Yay!!" She climbed onto the stool and dug her good hand into the jar.

"Bye Ken, love you." I kissed her head before leaving out. I contacted Margo and agreed to pick her up on my way to the wedding, then called Nic. I requested she drop in on Anita for me and asked that she bring Logan or one of the triplets if possible. She accepted unsurprisingly and promised to keep me updated.

"It sounds like its just her hormones are out of whack from the medicine." She speculated.

"Its not like she's hysterical or anything."

"Well its Anita. She- for the most part- has well-regulated emotions. What would be hysterical for a normal woman is probably just- this.. for Anita." She reasoned, "I'll pop in on her though."

"Thank you babe."

I talked with her until I got Margo in the car. Then Margo talked my ear off about random things as she finished her make up and fixed her hair until we arrived at the venue. I gave the valet my car key before entering the building with Margo beside me.


By the time I had the bedroom cleaned up and my tears in order Kennedy was at the door informing me that the water was ready for my tea. OJ and Zoe were playing video games in the play room. I turned the stove off and poured myself a cup of hot water before offering some to Ken who nodded excitedly. I made her a cup as well and brought down my box of assorted teas. I let her choose a tea for both of us. After we made our tea she offered me cookies from the cookie jar in front of her.

"Aw thank you sweet girl." I smiled as I grabbed one.

She bit into a cookie and looked at me inquisitively, "how come you don't go any weddings?"

"You mean the ones Lydia goes to?" I clarified.


"Those are for her job. So she's actually working when she goes to them. But I do go to weddings- just not the ones for Lydia's job." I told her, avoiding having to tell her the reason why I haven't gone to the weddings with Lydia. We chatted and ate cookies while we waited for the tea to cool down.

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